This repo contains my QMK keymaps. It uses the "External Userspace" feature, which overlays this repo contents when building.
For maintainability, I've pinned a tag of the base repository here as a submodule, so that upgrades are not a suprise.
brew install just qmk/qmk/qmk
just setup
just build primekb/prime_e/rgb
just flash primekb/prime_e/rgb
, then hit reset button, or pre-programmed reset key
Plug in ca66 while holding ESC, then run
bootloadHID hex/playkbtw_ca66_me.hex
Then plug in again
use teensy loader while in bootloader mode (either with soft reset or button on teensy)
flashProMicro hex/work_macropad.hex <num>
run first command twice to find the tty that is added after shorting the pins
ls /dev/tty* | grep usbmodem
avrdude -p atmega32u4 -P /dev/tty.usbmodem1411 -c avr109 -U flash:w:gherkin_ePipes.hex
If that doesn't work, try grepping for ACM0