Build skeleton messages
files with defineMessage
format for each component that contains explicit texts
$ npm install babel-plugin-react-intl-messages-generator
This Babel plugin only visits ES6 JSX modules.
All the explicit texts will be extracted from the component and corresponding messages file generated.
// app/components/Foo.js
import React, {Component} from 'react';
export default class Foo extends Component {
render() {
return (
The above component will produce
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
export default defineMessages({
NameTheKey: {
id: 'app.components.Foo...',
defaultMessage: 'Hello'
NameTheKey: {
id: 'app.components.Foo...',
defaultMessage: 'world'
"plugins": [
["react-intl-messages-generator", {
"messagesDir": "./build/messages/"
(Confidently Recommended 😏)
Even better use the root directory ["messagesDir": "./"
] so it will place the messages file where the component exists. So they files are co-located. No worries if you have edited the file already.
Only new unique defaultMessage
appended as descriptor
at the end of previous list of descriptors
: The target location where the plugin will output a.js
file corresponding to each component from which messages were extracted. If not provided, the extracted message descriptors will only be accessible via Babel's API.
$ babel --plugins react-intl-messages-generator script.js
The explicit texts converted as descriptors are available via the metadata
property on the object returned from Babel's transform()
require('babel-core').transform('code', {
plugins: ['react-intl-messages-generator']
}) // => { code, map, ast, metadata['react-intl-defineMessages'].generatedDescriptors };