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this repo is related with leetcode questions & answers in java

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This repo includes algorithms, datastructures and leetcode interview questions & answers in java.

Algorithms and Datastructures

Table of Contents

  1. arrays
    1. kadane algorithm
    2. prefix sum
    3. sliding window fixed size
    4. sliding window fixed variable size
    5. two pointer
  2. backtracking
    1. combination
    2. permutation
    3. subset
  3. binary search
    1. binary search
  4. bit manipulation
    1. counting bits
  5. dynamic programming
    1. count paths
    2. fibonacci
    3. lcs
    4. palindrome
    5. unbounded knapsack
    6. zero one knapsack
  6. graph
    1. intro
    2. adjacency list
    3. matrix BFS
    4. matrix DFS
    5. dijkstra
    6. kruskal
    7. prim
    8. topological sort
  7. hashing
    1. counting
    2. hashMap
  8. heap
    1. heap
    2. median
  9. linkList
    1. single
    2. doubly
    3. queue
    4. fast and slow
  10. recursion
    1. factorial
    2. fibonacci
  11. sorting
    1. bucket sort
    2. insertion sort
    3. merge sort
    4. quick sort
  12. trees
    1. tree node
    2. tree maze
    3. DFS
    4. BFS
    5. iterative DFS
    6. segment tree
    7. trie
    8. union find

LeetCode Blind 75 Questions

This repository also contains solutions to the LeetCode Blind 75 Questions. Each question has been solved and explained in this repository.

Table of Contents

  1. Contains Duplicate
  2. Valid Anagram
  3. Two Sum
  4. Group Anagrams
  5. Top K Frequent Elements
  6. Product of Array Except Self
  7. Encode and Decode Strings
  8. Longest Consecutive Sequence
  9. Valid Palindrome
  10. 3Sum
  11. Container With Most Water
  12. Best Time to Buy And Sell Stock
  13. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
  14. Longest Repeating Character Replacement
  15. Minimum Window Substring
  16. Valid Parentheses
  17. Find Minimum In Rotated Sorted Array
  18. Search In Rotated Sorted Array
  19. Reverse Linked List
  20. Merge Two Sorted Lists
  21. Reorder List
  22. Remove Nth Node From End of List
  23. Linked List Cycle
  24. Merge K Sorted Lists
  25. Invert Binary Tree
  26. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
  27. Same Tree
  28. Subtree of Another Tree
  29. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree
  30. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
  31. Validate Binary Search Tree
  32. Kth Smallest Element In a Bst
  33. Construct Binary Tree From Preorder And Inorder Traversal
  34. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
  35. Serialize And Deserialize Binary Tree
  36. Implement Trie Prefix Tree
  37. Design Add And Search Words Data Structure
  38. Word Search II
  39. Find Median From Data Stream
  40. Combination Sum
  41. Word Search
  42. Number of Islands
  43. Clone Graph
  44. Pacific Atlantic Water Flow
  45. Course Schedule
  46. Number of Connected Components In An Undirected Graph
  47. Graph Valid Tree
  48. Alien Dictionary
  49. Climbing Stairs
  50. House Robber
  51. House Robber II
  52. Longest Palindromic Substring
  53. Palindromic Substring
  54. Decode Ways
  55. Decode Ways
  56. Coin Change
  57. Maximum Product Subarray



this repo is related with leetcode questions & answers in java






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