Raw extent v2 #1270
Raw extent v2 #1270
buildomat / test-region-create
Aug 8, 2024 in 30m 31s
The buildomat job ID is 01J4S95KJQR3XGGHGPYPTPD6NA
. Click here for more detailed status.
The job produced the following artefacts:
The requested job was completed.
control: job dependencies complete; ready to run (waiting for 22 m 47 s)
control: job assigned to worker 01J4SAFG2J67TX7Y6XXZMEK1BZ (queued for 1 m 4 s)
task: starting task 0: "setup"
task: process exited: duration 4298 ms, exit code 0
task: starting task 1: "authentication"
task: process exited: duration 17 ms, exit code 0
task: starting task 2: "build"
| 70.698 1099511627776 ###16777216 4096 65536 4096
| 35.863 1099511627776 ###33554432 8192 32768 4096
| 18.070 1099511627776 ###67108864 16384 16384 4096
| 9.637 1099511627776 ##134217728 32768 8192 4096
| real 6:03.904589894
| user 7.635562783
| sys 48.307448704
| trap 0.008750681
| tflt 0.001978773
| dflt 0.023075231
| kflt 0.001018291
| lock 3:27:44.042879091
| slp 16:59.495322869
| lat 6.715829817
| stop 1.820553080
task: process exited: duration 365356 ms, exit code 0
|W| found 1 output files
|W| uploading: /tmp/region.csv (1368 bytes)
|W| uploaded: /tmp/region.csv