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Marking and managing music tracks for review

whatdoineed2do edited this page Sep 29, 2021 · 5 revisions

I buy a lot of digital albums for which I don't know the majority of the tracks - I simply throw all of these into the server and play. Inevitably, I find many tracks that are not my taste and want to remove them from the server's library.

The server provides means to "mark" a track for attention, whether that's to delete, reencode, review etc and this is achieved via the REST call "http://server:3689/api/library/tracks/{id}?usermark=1" - it is not currently available via the official web ui but can be added the queue list or now playing modal via a simply patch below.

With the tracks marked, I have a cronjob that periodically removes files older than 30days - these tracks are reviewable by the SMARTpl.

Accompanying the cronjob is a smartpl that allows us to easily see the tracks that have been marked for review (and subsequent delete).

The following assume that the library's music directory is /export/music

  • crontab script

readarray -t DIRT < <(curl -s "http://localhost:3689/api/search?type=tracks&expression=usermark+>+0" | jq -r ".tracks.items[] | select(.time_modified | fromdateiso8601 < $(date +%s --date="30days ago")) | .path" )

if [ $N -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "no data"
    exit 0

for ((i=0; i<${N}; i++)); do
    [ ! -f "$FILE" ] && continue

    sudo rm "${FILE}"
  • smartpl
"_Delete / Review Tracks" {
  usermark = 1
  order by time_modified desc