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/ ovh-common-style Public archive

[DEPRECATED] — Simple style for old control panels


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Managers common style

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Managers common style.

🔖 `ovh-common-style` is now deprecated. Please take a look at our OVH UI Kit - Master UI Framework.


Font size

OVH common style provides some classes for override font-size on a tag.

This example applies font-size to 16px :

<span class="fs16"></span>

You can do the same thing for line-height, default prefix is lh.

<span class="fs16 lh16"></span>

You can change default values by override less properties :

  • @font-size-values

  • @font-size-class

  • @line-height-values

  • @line-height-class

By default, font size class is : @font-size-class + @font-size-value. Same logic for line-height.


Data exemple helper (helpers.less)

  • Text center
    <p class="text-center">this text is center</p>
  • Text opacity
    <p class="opacity4">this text has 0.4 opacity</p>
  • No style button
    <button class="no-style">This button has not style</button>
  • Space (4, 8, 16, 20) (px)
    <div class="space-m20">margin : 20px</div>
    <div class="top-space-m16">margin-top : 16px</div>
    <div class="bottom-space-m8">margin-bottom : 8px</div>

    <div class="left-space-p8">padding-left : 8px</div>
    <div class="right-space-p4">padding-right : 4px</div>
  • responsive space (4, 8, 16, 20) (px) (xs, sm, md, lg like bootstrap 3)
    <div class="space-lg-m20">margin : 20px for media min-width: 1200px </div>
    <div class="top-space-md-m16">margin-top : 16px for media min-width: 992px </div>
    <div class="bottom-space-sm-m8">margin-bottom : 8px for media min-width: 801px </div>

    <div class="right-space-xs-p4">padding-right : 4px for media min-width: 480px </div>
  • disable text selection (noselect)
    <div class="noselect">This can't be selected with the mouse.</div>

Data exemple table (table.less) - work this Bootstrap 3

  • Responsive table
    <div class="table-responsive-vertical shadow-z-1">
        <table class="table table-pretty table-hover table-striped">
                        <span>column title</span>
                        <span class="table-pretty-filter">
                            <i data-ng-show=" !== 'minDisk'" class="fa fa-sort"></i>
                            <i data-ng-show=" === 'minDisk' && order.reverse" class="fa fa-sort-desc"></i>
                            <i data-ng-show=" === 'minDisk' && !order.reverse" class="fa fa-sort-asc"></i>
                    <td data-title="column title"></td>

Data exemple animation (animation.less) - work this animate.css

You can use all animation of animate.css

You can speed up animation with .animated-300 or infinite .animated-infinite

  • simple animate (without 'animate' prefix)
    <div class="opacity2-enter">this div animates opacity from 0.2 to 1</div>

    <div class="animated bounce">this div is animated by bounce of animate.css (!! animated class is important)</div>
  • angular animate (work with angular-animate) (with 'animate' prefix)
    <div data-ng-if="open" class="animate-opacity4-enter animate-opacity5-leave">
        this div animates opacity from 0.4 to 1 when it shows and animates opacity from 1 to 0.5 when hidden
  • angular animate (work with angular-animate and animate.css)
    <div class="animate-fadeInLeft-enter animate-fadeOutRight-leave"><
        this div animates opacity and moves right to left when it shows and animates opacity and moves left to right when hidden

Datepicker style .datepicker-ui-pretty (datepicker-ui.less) - datepicker

<div class="input-group">
    <div class="input-group-addon"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i></div>

    <input type="text" class="form-control datepicker-ui-pretty"
        placeholder="{{ 'search_date' | translate}}"
        ng-click="openedSearchDate = true"

    <div class="input-group-addon" data-ng-show="">
        <button class="no-style" data-ng-click=" = null">
            <i class="fa fa-times"></i>

Data exemple rotate animation

<button class="no-style" data-ng-click="open = !open">
    <i class="fa fa-caret-down rotate" data-ng-class="{'rotate180': open}"></i>



bower install ovh-common-style --save


npm install ovh-common-style --save


LESS style

@import 'ovh-common-style/less/helpers.less';
@import 'ovh-common-style/less/animation.less';
@import 'ovh-common-style/less/table.less';
@import 'ovh-common-style/less/datepicker-ui.less';
@import 'ovh-common-style/less/spinner/spinner.less';


@import 'ovh-common-style/less/fonts/open-sans.less';

Get the sources

    git clone
    cd ovh-common-style
    npm install
    bower install

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