sample spring data jpa project with hibernate
- Uses webjars to get jquery and bootstrap js files
- Fallback to local js files coming from webjar if js file is not available from cdn
- Entity has version column to facilitate optimistic locking.
- Throw optimistic lock exception if entity object is updated by another user.
- Entity is auditable (has columns createdBy, creationDate, modifiedBy, modificationDate)
- Authentication based on users fetched by spring data JPA
- Uses DelegatingPasswordEncoder to support passwords encoded in multiple formats
- Loads initial authentication seed data on application startup
- Spring MVC conversational support - Can update multiple entity objects in multiple tabs in same session
- Entity has UUID id field generated in JPA agnostic way.
- Doesn't use any library from spring boot, only uses spring framework
- Has integration tests for data repositories using in memory db and unit tests for controllers