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locpix is a Python library for analysing point cloud data from SMLM.

This project is under active development

This is a short ReadMe just containing a QuickStart guide. For more comprehensive documentation please see

locpix includes the following functionality in order they are used in a normal workflow:

  1. Preprocess : Initialises project and converts .csv files representing SMLM data (point cloud) into .parquet files, necessary for this software
  2. Annotate : Generating histograms from the SMLM data and manually annotating these histograms to extract relevant localisations & labelling with seeds for watershed algorithm
  3. Segmentation:
    1. Classic segmentation : Use classic method to segment histograms to extract relevant localisations
    2. Cellpose segmentation : Use Cellpose method to segment histograms to extract relevant localisations
    3. Ilastik segmentation : Use Ilastik method to segment histograms to extract relevant localisations
    4. UNET segmentation : Use UNET to segment histograms to extract relevant localisations
  4. Membrane performance : Performance metrics calculation based on the localisations (not the histograms!)

For an example workflow (seen in paper) see examples/c15_data workflow

Project Structure

We assume your input SMLM data are .csv files.

This input data must first be preprocessed into a user chosen project directory, using the Preprocess script. We strongly suggest this project directory is located outside the locpix folder.

The input and output of all further scripts will remain located inside the project directory, the input data folder will not be accessed again!

Usage configuration

Each script needs a configuration file (.yaml file), which should be specified using the -c flag.

Each configuration used will be saved in the project directory.

The templates for the configuration files can be found in the templates folder.

For instructions for the parameters in the configuration files see




You will need anaconda or miniconda or mamba. We recommend mamba


Create an environment and install via pypi

conda create -n locpix-env python==3.10
conda activate locpix-env
pip install locpix



This script preprocesses the input .csv data for later use AND must be run first.

This script will take in .csv files, and convert them to .parquet files, while also wrangling the data into our data format.

To run the script -i -c and -o flags should be specified

preprocess -i path/to/input/data -c path/to/config/file -o path/to/project/directory

Optionally we can add:

  • -s flag to check the correct files are selected before preprocessing them
  • -p flag if our files are .parquet files not .csv files.


This script allows for manual segmentation of the localisations and adding markers to the images as seeds for the watershed algorithm.

You need to

1. Click "New labels layer" - Activate the paint brush - Draw onto membranes

2. Click "New points layer" - Add points - Place points at each cell

To run the script -i and -c flags should be specified

annotate -i path/to/project/directory -c path/to/config/file

Optionally we can add:

  • -m flag to check the metadata of the project before running
  • -r flag to relabel histograms, will assume some labels are already present
  • -x flag to label two types of cell, assumes points layresr are called "Points_normal" and "Points_other"

Image segmentation

Classic segmentation

Perform classic segmentation on our localisation dataset.

To run the script -i and -c flags should be specified

classic -i path/to/project/directory -c path/to/config/file

Optionally we can add:

  • -m flag to check the metadata of the project before running

Cellpose segmentation

Need to activate extra requirements - these are big and not included in initial install.

Note that if you have a GPU this will speed this up.

Note we modified Cellpose to fit in with our analysis, therefore you need to install our forked repository - note below will clone the Cellpose repository to wherever you are located

If you have a GPU

pip install torch torchvision --extra-index-url
git clone
cd cellpose
pip install .

If you don't have a GPU

pip install pytorch
git clone
cd cellpose
pip install .

To evaluate Cellpose model on the localisation dataset without any retraining on your dataset run the script with -i and -c flags specified

cellpose_eval -i path/to/project/directory -c path/to/config/file

Optionally we can add:

  • -m flag to check the metadata of the project before running
  • -o flag to specify folder in project dir to save output (defaults to cellpose_no_train)
  • -u flag to specify a user model to load in

To retrain first then evaluate we instead

Prepare data for training

train_prep -i path/to/project/directory -c path/to/config/file

Optionally we can add:

  • -m flag to check the metadata of the project before running

Train cellpose

cellpose_train -i path/to/project/directory -ct path/to/config/train_file -ce path/to/config/eval_file

Optionally we can add:

  • -m flag to check the metadata of the project before running

UNET segmentation

Need to activate extra requirements - these are big and not included in initial install.

Note that if you have a GPU this will speed this up.

Note this is only needed if haven't done for cellpose above

If you have a GPU

pip install torch torchvision --extra-index-url

If you don't have a GPU

pip install pytorch

To train UNET

unet -i path/to/project/directory -c path/to/config/file

Optionally we can add:

  • -m flag to check the metadata of the project before running

Ilastik segmentation

Need to prepare the data for Ilastik segmentation

ilastik_prep -i path/to/project/directory -c path/to/config/file

Optionally we can add:

  • -m flag to check the metadata of the project before running

Then run the data through the Ilastik GUI, which needs to be installed from Ilastik and to run it please see

Then convert the output of the Ilastik GUI back into our format

ilastik_output -i path/to/project/directory

Optionally we can add:

  • -m flag to check the metadata of the project before running

Membrane performance

To evaluate membrane performance for a particular method, run below, where method name needs to match where the segmentation files are

membrane_performance_method -i path/to/project/directory -c path/to/config/file -o method_name

Optionally we can add:

  • -m flag to check the metadata of the project before running

To evaluate performance of membrane segmentation from classic, cellpose and ilastik

membrane_performance -i path/to/project/directory -c path/to/config/file

Optionally we can add:

  • -m flag to check the metadata of the project before running

To aggregate the performance over the folds for methods classic, cellpose without training, cellpose with training and ilastik

agg_metrics -i path/to/project/directory


Package License
alabaster 0.7.12 UNKNOWN
app-model 0.1.1 BSD 3-Clause License
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arrow 1.2.3 Apache 2.0
astroid 2.12.13 LGPL-2.1-or-later
asttokens 2.2.0 Apache 2.0
attrs 22.1.0 MIT
Babel 2.11.0 BSD
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backports.functools-lru-cache 1.6.4 UNKNOWN
beautifulsoup4 4.11.1 MIT
binaryornot 0.4.4 BSD
black 22.12.0 MIT
build 0.9.0 MIT
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cellpose 2.1.2.dev26+g731fe4e BSD
certifi 2022.9.24 MPL-2.0
cfgv 3.3.1 MIT
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comm 0.1.3 BSD 3-Clause License
commonmark 0.9.1 BSD-3-Clause
contourpy 1.0.6 BSD-3-Clause
cookiecutter 2.1.1 BSD
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cycler 0.11.0 BSD
dask 2022.11.1 BSD
debugpy 1.6.4 MIT
decorator 5.1.1 new BSD License
distlib 0.3.6 Python license
docstr-coverage 2.2.0 MIT
docstring-parser 0.15 MIT
docutils 0.17.1 public domain, Python, 2-Clause BSD, GPL 3 (see COPYING.txt)
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filelock 3.9.0 UNKNOWN
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HeapDict 1.0.1 BSD
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identify 2.5.17 MIT
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importlib-metadata 6.6.0 UNKNOWN
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ipykernel 6.17.1 UNKNOWN
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jupyter-client 7.4.7 UNKNOWN
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locpix 0.0.12.dev70+ga7833b4.d20230120 UNKNOWN
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MarkupSafe 2.1.1 BSD-3-Clause
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matplotlib-inline 0.1.6 BSD 3-Clause
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mypy-extensions 0.4.3 MIT License
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napari-console 0.0.6 BSD 3-Clause
napari-locpix 0.0.3 MIT
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Pillow 9.3.0 HPND
Pint 0.20.1 BSD
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python-slugify 7.0.0 MIT
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