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Otterscan Assets


This repo builds a Docker image containing all static assets used by Otterscan.

The image purpose is:

  • It is published on Docker Hub in order to serve as basis for the official Otterscan production image.
  • It can be run locally serving the assets when running development version of Otterscan from the sources.


Everything is self contained in the Dockerfile. There is a github actions workflow that builds and publishes it on Docker Hub.

In case you want to build it locally, there is a exemplary script to build it.

The image itself is a nginx image serving the assets on internal port 80. There is an exemplary script at

Image structure

It extracts, processes and merges data from several external sources linked here as git submodules as follows:

  • 4bytes: serves the method signature for a given 4byte selector (without the 0x prefix) at /signatures/<selector>. Ex: get the ERC20 transfer method with: http localhost:5175/signatures/a9059cbb
  • topic0: serves the event signature for a given topic selector (without the 0x prefix) at /topic0/<selector>. Ex: get the ERC20 Transfer event with: http localhost:5175/topic0/ddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef.
  • assets: serves token icons (sourced from trustwallet opensource icons; resized to 32x32) at /assets/<chain-id>/<token-address>/logo.png. Includes mainnet/polygon/BNB. Ex: download DAI logo with: wget localhost:5175/assets/1/0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F/logo.png.
  • chains: serves metadata for a certain chain at /chains/eip155-<chain-id>.json. Ex: get mainnet chain info with: http localhost:5175/chains/eip155-1.json.