Releases: oslc-op/oslc-specs
OSLC Tracked Resource Set v3.0 has progressed to OASIS Standard and is published.
OSLC Configuration Management v1.0 progressed to OASIS Standard
OSLC Architecture Management v3.0 OASIS Standard.
Potential TRS COS pending feedback from Sodius-Willert.
Configuration Management v1.0 PS01
config-v1.0-ps01 - this is a release to get a published version of the specification that reflects the current state of existing implementations and provides a more stable base for implementations. Some issues remain to be addressed before COS.
OSLC Tracked Resource Set Version 3.0 PSD01
Publishing OSLC Tracked Resource Set Version 3.0 project specification draft revision 01.
Configuration Management 1.0 PSD 01
Publish oslc-config-mgmt v1.0 PSD01. Zip file updated to address OASIS requested editorial changes, including correct titles for multi-part specifications.
OSLC Core 3.0 PS 02
OSLC AM 3.0 PSD 01
The first draft of the AM 3.0 specification. This version includes references to the jazz_am namespace for properties that integrate AM Resource with the rest of the CM, RM and QM domain element.
OSLC RM v2.1 PS01
Epic #306