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Testing Lit with Vitest Browser and Playwright


This guide aims to outline the process of migrating from using Web Test Runner to Vitest Browser for testing web components created with Lit. For more details on browser mode, visit the Vitest guide.

This change arises from a curiosity to explore what the more popular and widely adopted options in the open-source world have to offer, such as Vite and now Vitest.

It's interesting to see how this 2.0 version of Vitest Browser draws inspiration from many other tools, including Web Test Runner itself.

Although Vitest uses WebDriverIO by default, I have a strong feeling that the combination of Playwright & Vitest works very well together.

Open in StackBlitz

StackBlitz: open another terminal window and type the command npm run test.

Stackblitz Vitest

Using Chai A11y aXe and rollup-plugin-externalize-source-dependencies

The Chai A11y aXe - open-wc testing library can be used with Vitest.

test('a11y', async () => {
  await assert.isAccessible(el);

However, you'll need to add the following plugin to your Vite configuration:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import externalizeSourceDependencies from '@blockquote/rollup-plugin-externalize-source-dependencies';

export default {
  plugins: [
      /* @web/test-runner-commands needs to establish a web-socket
       * connection. It expects a file to be served from the
       * @web/dev-server. So it should be ignored by Vite */

Please note that axe-core/webdriverio is currently incompatible with Vite.

   Error: Module "url" has been externalized for browser compatibility. Cannot access "url.pathToFileURL" in client code. See [Vite Troubleshooting Guide]( for more details.

Using Vitest Snapshots with Semantic-DOM-Diff

Vitest also supports snapshot testing

This setup uses a lightweight simulation of Semantic-DOM-Diff in a test/utils.js file. This allows us to use Vitest's snapshot feature in a way that is more meaningful for testing DOM structures.

test('LIGHT DOM - Structure test', () => {
  expect(structureSnapshot(el, ['id'])).toMatchSnapshot('LIGHT DOM');

For more details, refer to the snapshots - semantic-dom-diff documentation.

Covegare UI

Stackblitz Vitest Coverage

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npm init @blockquote/wc


lit-vitest testing







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