A discord bot that posts ESV bible passages when referenced in chat
NKJV with full Orthodox cannon coming soon...
When you type a message of one of the following categories into a text server, orthobot will respond as appropriate
Specific Reference (e.g. Gen 1:1)
Whole Chapter (e.g. Gen 1)
Range of chapters (e.g. Gen 1-2)
Range of verses wihtin a chapter (e.g. Gen 1:1-3)
Range of verses crossing chapters (e.g. Gen 1:1-2:3)
You may also provide multiple references by delimiting them with a semicolon. (e.g. Gen 1-2; John 3:16)
Step 1: Download Node.js and create a Discord account.
- Node.js is required for running your bot. Download and install it from nodejs.org.
- Create a Discord account and server to test your bot.
Step 2: Create a Discord application for your bot.
- Go to discordapp.com/developers/applications/me and log in.
- Click "New Application" and give your bot a name.
- In the right-hand menu, click "Bot" and then "Add Bot."
- Obtain the bot's authorization token by clicking "Click to Reveal" under "Token:"
Step 3: Protect your bot's token and get your Client ID.
- Keep the bot's authorization token secret as it controls your bot's actions.
- Copy your Client ID from the "App Details" section.
Step 4: Invite your bot to your server.
- Use your Client ID to create an invite URL: https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?&client_id=CLIENTID&scope=bot&permissions=8 (replacing CLIENTID in the URL with the Client ID obtained in Step 3.)
Step 5 Replace YOUR_BOTS_AUTH_TOKEN in file in the root folder in the file called auth.json
with the auth token you got in step 3 above.
npm install
And then run the server:
node bot.js
- Multiple Translations Support
- Slash Commands
- Quotes (Fathers / Saints / Etc...)
- Glossary of terms
- ?