List of fixed issues and improvements
New features and improvements
Extended error handling in ApiBundle
Implemented not fractional percent data type in API
Added possibility to replace titles of API errors
Upgraded PhpUnit to 9.5
Upgraded laminas-mime to 2.8.0
Upgraded theofidry/alice-data-fixtures to 1.4.0
Upgraded nelmio/security-bundle to 2.10.2
Upgraded nette/php-generator 3.5.3
Upgrade stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle to 1.6.0
Updated Google Maps loader
Created a range validator for percentage values
Created documentation for X-Localization-ID and X-Currency headers for Storefront API
Minor upgrades of PHP dependencies to simplify feature PHP 8 support
List of fixed issues
Fixed storage type unexpectedly changes from "table column" to "serialized field" when editing entity fields
Fixed doctrine:schema:validate returns error
Fixed Boolean fields cannot be added to search index
Fixed incorrect root job status calculation
Fixed 500 Internal server error at attempt to generate an OAuth access token for Password grant application type with incorrect client_id
Fixed Schema Update fails after reducing column size for custom fields
Fixed New Attribute data audit log shows wrong attribute state
Fixed using a command oro:entity-extend:update-config out of schema update context
Fixed impossible to create a report using filter with multiple condition groups applied to related entities
Fixed locale column size is too short in oro_address_type_translation table
Fixed JS error on email expanding in entity activity section
Fixed serialized fields do not work with multi-host operations
Fixed Datagrid Date Filter unnecessarily applies timezone
Fixed lcobucci/jwt package requires ext-sodium php extension
Fixed mistakes in documentation of API resources
Fixed inline editing validation stop working after page reload
Fixed PhpDoc mismatch and syntax errors
Removed Oro\Bundle\TranslationBundle\Extractor\PhpCodeExtractor in favor of Symfony\Component\Translation\Extractor\PhpExtractor
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