Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
New features and improvements
- Implemented not fractional percent data type in API
- Added Multihost operations support for translations cache
- Added possibility to replace titles of API errors
- Created a range validator for percentage values
- Drop dependency to the file-system npm package
- Published fork of jquery.uniform package with updated jquery version in requirements
- Upgraded TinyMCE text editor to the latest version
- Updated jquery-validation library from 1.16.0 to 1.19.3
- Refactored query designer and segmentation functionality to make it independent from single entity choice control
- Decoupled Query Designer Filters from Forms
List of fixed issues
- Fixed JSON API "include" works wrong for entities with "exclusion_policy: all"
- Fixed product attribute statuses are incorrectly after import
- Fixed Nested entities breadcrumbs are missed on reports creation form's "Column" dropdown
- Fixed Zendesk sync fails
- Fixed storage type unexpectedly changes from "table column" to "serialized field" when editing entity fields
- Fixed incorrect label for "Money" attribute type
- Fixed doctrine:schema:validate returns error
- Fixed Grid filter by EntityFieldFallback relation field contains all values in a drop-down
- Fixed boolean fields cannot be added to search index
- Fixed storefront landing page API exposes non-rendered Twig instructions and internal fields
- Fixed incorrect root job status calculation
- Fixed replace logical exception to log error message in localization fallback trait
- Fixed customer user cannot update own profile via storefront API
- Fixed use "Accept" header instead of "Content-Type" in API GET requests
- Fixed Forgot Password Message Format
- Fixed breadcrumbs not visible in report designer when entity relations used
- Fixed excessive tags are added to code in WYSIWYG editor
- Fixed Text block in WYSIWYG editor is not editable after file adding
- Fixed wrong logging level used by default
- Fixed deprecation messages in API response
- Fixed Webpack builder should utilize system version parameter for links to external files
- Fixed 500 Internal server error at attempt to generate an OAuth access token for Password grant application type with incorrect client_id
- Fixed header and footer paginators stick together in resized window
- Fixed Incorrect user avatar source is used on the profile page in back-office
- Fixed Symfony toolbar styles and ajax tab are broken after page reload
- Fixed "oro:api:doc:cache:clear" command is very slow and consume a lot of memory
- Fixed system caches are not warmed up by "cache:clear" command
- Fixed two-factor authentication form can be submitted multiple times
- Fixed websocket periodic timer is broken when all subscribers closed connections
- Fixed not possible to use several aggregation column filters in reports
- Fixed not possible to use Year, Month, Day and Day of year column functions in reports
- Fixed New attribute data audit log shows wrong attribute state
- Fixed using a command oro:entity-extend:update-config out of schema update context
- Fixed impossible to create a report using filter with multiple condition groups applied to related entities
- Fixed locale column size is too short in oro_address_type_translation table
- Updated Google Maps loader
- Fixed LDAP integration doesn't remove user roles