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trade-executor-frontend 0.1.2

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @tradingstrategy-ai/trade-executor-frontend@0.1.2
Install via package.json:
"@tradingstrategy-ai/trade-executor-frontend": "0.1.2"

About this version

Trade executor user interface

This package is still in alpha.

Web Frontend for trading strategy executor.

  • This is a SvelteKit based frontend library
  • Display active trading strategies
  • Display open/closed trading position
  • Show profitability metrics like profit and loss, trades won
  • Explore trades




The package comes with a demo site with its .env configuration file. To get started with development do:

# Edit .env to point the environment to your trade executor instance
npm run dev


  • src/lib contains reusable Svelte components to render trading strategy execution
  • src/routes contains the default SvelteKit application pages. It needs to be copy-pasted to the parent project as is. This code is minimal and most of the code is in reusable components.


Helpful links

Workflow to update routes

SvelteKit does not support route re-use at the moment. To update routes in the main application:

  • Update routes in trade-executor-frontend
  • Copy-paste routes/strategy to frontend package
  • Update frontend/package.json with all dependencies needed to run trade-executor-frontend

Updating strategy executor data

Each strategy executor is its own web server, with own domain.

The executor frontend must have id, name and URL configured for each executor.

For the demo app you can update URLs like this:

# Edit scripts/demo.env
source scripts/demo.env
# Edit .env

Tag & Pubish Package

To make a new release, update the version number and create a tag:

npm version [major | minor | patch]
git push
git push --tags

Pushing the tag will trigger the publish.yml GitHub action to run, which automatically packages and publishes the new version to the GitHub package registry.



  • trade-executor-frontend-0.1.2-npm.tgz

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