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browser-support / 1.0.7

browser-support 1.0.7

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @github/browser-support@1.0.7
Install via package.json:
"@github/browser-support": "1.0.7"

About this version


Polyfills for small new features, plus functions to determine browser feature support.

How is this used on GitHub?

We use all of these polyfills on We also use the isSupported() function to determine if the browser is well supported, unsupported browsers do not send errors or statistics to our backend monitoring.


$ npm install @github/browser-support



import {isSupported, isPolyfilled, apply} from '@github/browser-support'

// Check if a browser is supported
if (!isSupported()) {
  console.assert(isSupported() === true)
  console.assert(isPolyfilled() === true)


npm install
npm test


Adding polyfills

Please do not add any polyfills for ECMA features that are Stage 3 or below. We only wish to polyfill features from ECMAScript that are Stage 4 (about to be included in a new years specification) or already specified.

Removing polyfills

When our supported browsers (see github/github for details) all support a feature without polyfills, we can remove the polyfill. This code is designed to be kept lightweight, we do not want to ship dozens of kb of polyfills.

As a polyfill is removed, it may be worth adding feature detection to the baseSupport const, to ensure that our baseline moves with our browser support matrix.


Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.



  • browser-support-1.0.7-npm.tgz

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