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Shiting Li shengzhulst
A programming lover, try work hard for transition.

ann arbor

Antonia Chroni AntoniaChroni
Senior Bioinformatics Research Scientist @stjude-dnb-binfcore

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital New York

Joe Hoye Dow MaybeBio
Shanghai Jiao Tong University/major in bioinformatics. A beginner FOR everything

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai

Jiachen Lu attaff
Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center in clinical medicine

Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center 651 Dongfeng Road East, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, P.R. China

Xianfeng Li xflicsu
NGS analyser

Peking University China

PhD student in Chemical Biology at Imperial College London

Imperial College London

Yuhao Wang wyh196646
Phd in USTC, major in AI4H & AI4B

University of Science and Technology of China Suzhou

Kelvin Lee KaWingLee9

Key Laborotary of Computational Biology, SINH, CAS (Shanghai, China)

Israt Jahan jahanisrat

Washington University in St. Louis

shirley xiaodiansun

University of Miami Miami,FL

Juan Martinez-Villalobos martinezvbs
Postgraduate Associate / The Augert Lab / Department of Pathology / Yale School of Medicine

The Augert Lab New Haven

Ward D WardDeb

Freiburg, Germany

Zhixin Li, PhD leezx
Computational biologist, bioinformatician

DFCI, HMS, Broad Institute MA, US.

Fei Zhao fei0810
Focus on Cancer Bioinformatics

Chinese Academy of Sciences ShangHai, China

Michael Steinbaugh mjsteinbaugh

@merck Cambridge, MA, USA

Xuerong Yang xryang2018

Shandong Agricultural University Taian, China

Yuzhe Li ericli0419
Postdoctoral fellow in AI Biology in the lab of Qiangfeng Cliff Zhang at the School of Life Sciences of Tsinghua University. @zhangqf-lab

Tsinghua University Hangzhou, China

Seongmin Cheon seongminlab

Chonnam national univ Gwangju