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Sonu Sharma SonuSharma2
True champion wasn't born but trained......
Senura Bhawantha senurabhawantha
Undergraduate Software Engineer 🎓 Student at National Institute of Business Management, Sri-Lanka

Matara,Sri Lanaka

AiLinorca AiorcaLin
Machine Learning(AI、Opencv) Internet(CTF、CVE、0DAY)
Victória torigabrielle
Currently building a new personality.................. please wait.

Brasilia -DF

Bruno Lafont BugeezS
I'm good at reading people. My secret , I look for the worst in them.


Upayan Mazumder upayanmazumder
Computer Science Student Aspiring Data Scientist

@Eranodes Vellore

n00b with a fix for Blender and Unreal.
Nikita Zabusov Kitanit-baz
Dai Quwair

Dai Quwair

rehammetwally rehammetwally
Perception engineer
geonho geonho1101
클라이언트 개발자 이건호 입니다.
_VISHNU_ vishnu1100
404 Bio Not Found... oh wait, here it is! Just your friendly neighborhood developer, turning caffeine into code and debugging my way t:)


Daniel Barros de Oliveira danielbarrosdeoliveira
FullStack Developer Web/Mobile | Typescript, Vue, React, Next.js, React Native, Dart, Flutter, Postgre, Docker

Enkel Barueri, SP

Steel Shen shendlcode
Old programer.Main research topics are Virtualization,SDN,Cloud Computer,BigData,kernel,Machine Learning,AI,DevOps etc.Expert on CSDN.NET &
Fairydewstz Lintha437
Transform into a star in the eternal night, shining for what you hold dear.

@Metcha-Studios Bellevue, WA