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Documentation:Old Builds

Ross M edited this page Mar 1, 2019 · 11 revisions
Updated: Nov 27, 2018 (Better Documentation for users who prefer old build)

Highly Deprecated Method, this method is both Unreliable and Not well supported/documented!

This build is highly outdated, we suggest you move to a newer build.

Benefits of using newer builds
Higher Maintainability!
Frequent Security Patches
Themes that support the Holidays!

Download Links

What's localhost, and how do I do it?

Localhost is the method of setting a Local Host server up on your L.A.N (Local Access Network). Where the device (Preferably, your PC) accesses http://localhost / Loopback and devices not on the loopback access via your IPV4

Free Methods of (LocalHost)
  • XAMPP (Beginners)
  • IIS 7+ (Experienced/Advanced) - Built in MS Feature Windows 7, 8, and 10!

How to configure Your build

When you first download these files open main.js and go to line 15/16! Edit this win.loadURL('http://localhost:8080/') and change ('') to your URL/File location!

Ex. win.loadURL('http://localhost:8080/') or win.loadFILE('c:\users\example\Desktop\master\')

Too load a URL use win.loadURL Too load a FILE use win.loadFILE

Ultimately, you may use a URL I made to get the old build w/ security updates!

The URL provided may change at any time

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