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refactor(pm): change representation of modes and refine modal model
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mchitre committed Jan 10, 2025
1 parent 75c24c1 commit 92a8a34
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Showing 3 changed files with 116 additions and 40 deletions.
43 changes: 42 additions & 1 deletion ext/UnderwaterAcousticsPlots.jl
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ using RecipesBase
using Colors
using UnderwaterAcoustics
import UnderwaterAcoustics: AbstractAcousticSource, AbstractAcousticReceiver, RayArrival, value
import UnderwaterAcoustics: SampledFieldZ, SampledFieldX, SampledFieldXZ, SampledFieldXY
import UnderwaterAcoustics: SampledFieldZ, SampledFieldX, SampledFieldXZ, SampledFieldXY, ModeArrival
import DSP: amp2db

@recipe function plot(env::UnderwaterEnvironment)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,4 +165,45 @@ end

@recipe function plot(m::ModeArrival, D; npts=1000)
zr = range(0, -D; length=npts)
ticks --> :native
legend --> false
xguide --> "Mode #"
yguide --> "z (m)"
xlims --> (0, 2)
@series begin
seriestype := :line
color := :lightgray
linestyle := :dash
[1, 1], [0, -D]
@series begin
seriestype := :path
1 .+ m.ψ.(-zr), zr

@recipe function plot(m::AbstractVector{<:ModeArrival}, D; npts=1000)
n = length(m)
zr = range(0, -D; length=npts)
ticks --> :native
legend --> false
xguide --> "Mode #"
yguide --> "z (m)"
xlims --> (0, n+1)
for i 1:n
@series begin
seriestype := :line
color := :lightgray
linestyle := :dash
[i, i], [0, -D]
@series begin
seriestype := :path
i .+ m[i].ψ.(-zr), zr

end # module
23 changes: 9 additions & 14 deletions src/pm_api.jl
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Expand Up @@ -62,25 +62,20 @@ end
Type representing a single acoustic mode arrival.
- `t`: arrival time (s)
- `m`: mode number
- `kz`: vertical wavenumber (rad/m)
- `kr`: horizontal wavenumber (rad/m)
- `θ`: propagation angle (rad)
- `ϕ`: complex multiplier
- `kᵣ`: horizontal wavenumber (rad/m)
- `ψ(z)`: mode function
- `v`: group velocity (m/s)
struct ModeArrival{T1,T2,T3,T4,T5} <: AbstractAcousticArrival
t::T1 # arrival time
struct ModeArrival{T1,T2,T3} <: AbstractAcousticArrival
m::Int # mode number
kz::T2 # vertical wavenumber
kr::T3 # horizontal wavenumber
θ::T4 # propagation angle
ϕ::Complex{T5} # complex multiplier
kᵣ::T1 # horizontal wavenumber
ψ::T2 # mode function
v::T3 # group velocity

function, a::ModeArrival)
@printf(io, "%3d | %6.3f→ %6.3f↑ ∠%5.1f° | %6.2f ms | %5.1f dB ϕ%6.1f°",
a.m,,, rad2deg(a.θ), 1000*a.t, amp2db(abs(a.ϕ)), rad2deg(angle(a.ϕ)))
@printf(io, "%3d: %6.3f rad/m, %7.2f m/s", a.m, a.kᵣ, a.v)

Expand All @@ -105,7 +100,7 @@ complex numbers with the same shape as `rxs`. The amplitude of the field is
related to the transmission loss, and the angle is related to the acoustic phase
at the source frequency.
function acoustic_field(pm, tx::AbstractAcousticSource, rxs::AbstractArray{<:AbstractAcousticReceiver}; kwargs...)
function acoustic_field(pm, tx, rxs::AbstractArray; kwargs...)
tmap(rx -> acoustic_field(pm, tx, rx; kwargs...), rxs)

Expand Down
90 changes: 65 additions & 25 deletions src/pm_pekeris.jl
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@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import SignalAnalysis: signal
import Roots: find_zero, Bisection
import DSP: nextfastfft
import FFTW: ifft

export PekerisRayTracer, PekerisModeSolver

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,12 +158,16 @@ end

# Pekeris mode propagation model
# current limitations:
# iso-velocity, range independent, no absorption, pressure release surface,
# fluid half-space seabed, no layers, no leaky modes

A fast differentiable mode propagation model that only supports isovelocity constant
depth environments.
A fast differentiable mode propagation model that only supports iso-velocity
constant depth environments.
struct PekerisModeSolver{T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7} <: AbstractModePropagationModel
h::T1 # water depth
Expand All @@ -172,15 +178,13 @@ struct PekerisModeSolver{T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7} <: AbstractModePropagationModel
seabed::T6 # seabed properties
surface::T7 # surface properties
function PekerisModeSolver(env)
isospeed(env) || error("Environment must be isovelocity")
isospeed(env) || error("Environment must be iso-velocity")
is_range_dependent(env) && error("Environment must be range independent")
is_constant(env.temperature) || error("Temperature must be constant")
is_constant(env.salinity) || error("Salinity must be constant")
is_constant(env.density) || error("Density must be constant")
env.seabed isa FluidBoundary || error("Seabed must be a fluid boundary")
# TODO: handle non-pressure release surface
env.surface.c == 0 || error("Surface must be a pressure release boundary")
# TODO: handle seabed absorption
env.seabed.δ == 0 || @warn "Seabed absorption will be ignored"
h = value(env.bathymetry)
c = value(env.soundspeed)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,13 +220,12 @@ function arrivals(pm::PekerisModeSolver, tx::AbstractAcousticSource, rx::Abstrac
m = _mode.(1:M, ((1:M) .- 0.5) .*/ pm.h), k₁, R, pm.c)
else # acousto-elastic boundary
k₂ = ω / pm.seabed.c
J(γ) = sin*pm.h) + γ / sqrt(k₁^2 - k₂^2 - γ^2) * cos* pm.h)
# TODO: add support for leaky modes
k₂ < k₁ || return ModeArrival[]
γgrid = range(0, sqrt(k₁^2 - k₂^2) - eps(); length=1000)
γgrid = range(0, sqrt(k₁^2 - k₂^2) - sqrt(eps()); length=1000)
J(γ) = pm.seabed.ρ * γ * cos* pm.h) + pm.ρ * sqrt(k₁^2 - k₂^2 - γ^2) * sin* pm.h)
ndx = findall(i -> sign(J(γgrid[i+1])) * sign(J(γgrid[i])) < 0, 1:length(γgrid)-1)
γ = [find_zero(J, (γgrid[i], γgrid[i+1]), Bisection()) for i ndx]
m = _mode.(1:length(γ), γ, k₁, R, pm.c)
m = _mode.(1:length(γ), ω, γ, k₁, pm.c, pm.ρ, pm.seabed.c, pm.seabed.ρ, pm.h)
Expand All @@ -241,35 +244,72 @@ end
function acoustic_field(pm::PekerisModeSolver, tx::AbstractAcousticSource, rxs::AbstractArray{<:AbstractAcousticReceiver}; mode=:coherent)
mode (:coherent, :incoherent) || error("Unknown mode: $mode")
p1 = location(tx)
ρₛ = value(pm.ρ, p1)
# modes don't depend on the receiver, so we can compute based on any receiver
modes = arrivals(pm, tx, rxs[1])
γ = [ for m modes]
kᵣ = [ for m modes]
ϕ = [m.ϕ for m modes]
modes = arrivals(pm, tx, first(rxs))
kᵣ = [m.kᵣ for m modes]
= (2π * frequency(tx) / pm.c)^2
γ = sqrt.(k² .- kᵣ.^2)
tmap(rxs) do rx
p2 = location(rx)
R = sqrt(abs2(p1.x - p2.x) + abs2(p1.y - p2.y))
modal_terms = @. ϕ * sin* -p1.z) * sin* -p2.z) * hankelh1(0, kᵣ * R)
modal_terms = @. sin* -p1.z) * sin* -p2.z) * cis(kᵣ * R) / sqrt(kᵣ)
multiplier = cis(-π/4) * sqrt(2 /* R))
if mode === :coherent
sum(modal_terms) * im / (2 * pm.h * ρₛ) * db2amp(spl(tx))
sum(modal_terms) * im / (2 * pm.h) * db2amp(spl(tx)) * multiplier
complex(sum(abs2, modal_terms) / (2 * pm.h * ρₛ)) * db2amp(spl(tx))
complex(sum(abs2, modal_terms) / (2 * pm.h)) * db2amp(spl(tx)) * multiplier

function impulse_response(pm::PekerisModeSolver, tx::AbstractAcousticSource, rx::AbstractAcousticReceiver, fs; abstime=false)

arr = arrivals(pm, tx, rx)
isempty(arr) && return signal(ComplexF64[], fs)
p1 = location(tx)
p2 = location(rx)
R = sqrt(abs2(p1.x - p2.x) + abs2(p1.y - p2.y))
N = ceil(Int, R / minimum(a -> a.v, arr) * fs)
M = ceil(Int, R / maximum(a -> a.v, arr) * fs)
N -= M
N = nextfastfft(2N)
Δf = fs / N
X = map(0:N-1) do i
i == 0 && return complex(0.0)
tx1 = AcousticSource(location(tx), i * Δf)
acoustic_field(pm, tx1, rx) |> conj
x = ifft(X)
x = circshift(x, -mod(M, N) + N ÷ 100)
if abstime
absx = abs.(x)
i = findfirst(>(maximum(absx) / 10), absx)
while i < length(absx) && absx[i+1] > absx[i]
i += 1
x = vcat(zeros(eltype(x), M - i), x)
signal(x, fs)

### helpers

function _mode(m, γ, k, R, c)
kᵣ = sqrt(k^2 - γ^2)
cᵣ = kᵣ / k * c
t = R / cᵣ # FIXME: this is not an accurate way to compute this
θ = asin/ k)
ϕ = complex(1.0, 0.0)
ModeArrival(t, m, γ, kᵣ, θ, ϕ)
function _group_velocity(ω, γ, kᵣ, c, ρ, cb, ρb, D)
k₁ = ω / c
kb = ω / cb
ζ = sqrt(k₁^2 - γ^2 - kb^2)
sγD = sin* D)
cγD = cos* D)
∂γ = -(c^2 - cb^2) * ρ * ω * sγD / (
c^2 * cb^2 * D * ρ * cγD * γ^2 +
c^2 * cb^2 * sγD * γ *+ D * ρb * ζ) +
cγD * (-cb^2 * D * ρ * ω^2 + c^2 * (D * ρ * ω^2 - cb^2 * ρb * ζ))
real(1 / (k₁ / (c * kᵣ) - γ / kᵣ * ∂γ))

function _mode(m, ω, γ, k, c, ρ, cb, ρb, D)
kᵣ = complex(sqrt(k^2 - γ^2))
v = _group_velocity(ω, γ, kᵣ, c, ρ, cb, ρb, D)
ψ(z) = sqrt(2/D) * sin* z)
ModeArrival{typeof(kᵣ),typeof(ψ),typeof(v)}(m, kᵣ, ψ, v)

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