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feat(pm): add default channel model and refine channel model API
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mchitre committed Jan 5, 2025
1 parent fabeace commit 7c759d7
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Showing 2 changed files with 82 additions and 28 deletions.
105 changes: 80 additions & 25 deletions src/pm_api.jl
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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import Random: default_rng
import SignalAnalysis: amp2db
import SignalAnalysis: amp2db, SampledSignal, samples, signal, framerate
import SignalAnalysis: nchannels, isanalytic, analytic, filt
import Printf: @printf

export UnderwaterEnvironment, transmission_loss, acoustic_field, arrivals
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,31 +123,89 @@ Superclass for all channel models.
abstract type AbstractChannelModel end

struct SampledChannelModel{T1,T2} <: AbstractChannelModel
irs::T1 # impulse responses
noise::T2 # noise model
fs::Float64 # sampling rate
t0::Int # start time

function, ch::SampledChannelModel)
print(io, "SampledChannelModel($(size(ch.irs,1))×$(size(ch.irs,2)), $(ch.fs) Hz)")

channel(pm, txs, rxs; abstime=false)
channel(pm, txs, rxs, fs; noise=nothing)
Compute a channel model from the sources `txs` to the receivers `rxs` using
propagation model `pm`. The result is a channel model with the same number of
input channels as the number of sources and output channels as the number of
If `abstime` is `true`, the resulting channel model returns signals with time
relative to the start of transmission. Otherwise, the result is relative to the
earliest arrival time of the signal at any receiver.
function channel end

transmit(ch, x; fs=framerate(x), txs=:, rxs=:)
receivers. The channel model accepts signals sampled at rate `fs` and returns
signals sampled at the same rate.
An additive noise model may be optionally specified as `noise`. If specified,
it is used to corrupt the received signals.
function channel(pm, txs, rxs, fs; abstime=false, noise=nothing)
txs isa AbstractArray || (txs = [txs])
rxs isa AbstractArray || (rxs = [rxs])
ch = [
samples(impulse_response(pm, tx, rx, fs; abstime=true))
for tx in vec(txs), rx in vec(rxs)
t0 = minimum(findfirst(x -> abs(x) > 0, ch1) for ch1 ch)
ch = map(ch1 -> @view(ch1[t0:end]), ch)
len = maximum(length.(ch))
ch = map(ch1 -> vcat(ch1, zeros(eltype(ch1), len - length(ch1))), ch)
SampledChannelModel(ch, noise, Float64(fs), t0)

Simulate the transmission of the signal `x`, sampled at rate `fs`, through the
channel model `ch`. If `txs` is specified, it specifies the indices of the
sources active in the simulation. The number of sources must match the number
of channels in the input signal. If `rxs` is specified, it specifies the
indices of the receivers active in the simulation. Returns the received signal
at the specified (or all) receivers.
function transmit end
transmit(ch, x; txs=:, rxs=:, abstime=false)
Simulate the transmission of passband signal `x` through the channel model `ch`.
If `txs` is specified, it specifies the indices of the sources active in the
simulation. The number of sources must match the number of channels in the
input signal. If `rxs` is specified, it specifies the indices of the
receivers active in the simulation. Returns the received signal at the
specified (or all) receivers.
If `abstime` is `true`, the returned signals begin at the start of transmission.
Otherwise, the result is relative to the earliest arrival time of the signal
at any receiver. If `noisy` is `true` and the channel has a noise model
associated with it, the received signal is corrupted by additive noise.
function transmit(ch::SampledChannelModel, x; txs=:, rxs=:, abstime=false, noisy=true)
# defaults
N, M = size(ch.irs)
txs === (:) && (txs = 1:N)
rxs === (:) && (rxs = 1:M)
# validate inputs
x isa SampledSignal && framerate(x) != ch.fs && error("Mismatched sampling rate (expected $(ch.fs) Hz, actual $(framerate(x)) Hz)")
all(tx 1:N for tx txs) || error("Invalid transmitter indices ($txs ⊄ 1:$N)")
all(rx 1:M for rx rxs) || error("Invalid receiver indices ($rxs ⊄ 1:$M)")
nchannels(x) == length(txs) || error("Mismatched number of sources (expected $(length(txs)), actual $(nchannels(x)))")
# simulate transmission
t0 = abstime ? ch.t0 : 1
flen = size(ch.irs[1],1)
= analytic(x)
= vcat(x̄, zeros(eltype(x̄), flen - 1, size(x̄,2)))
= zeros(Base.promote_eltype(x̄, ch.irs[1]), size(x̄,1) + t0 - 1, length(rxs))
Threads.@threads for i eachindex(rxs)
for j eachindex(txs)
ȳ[t0:end,i] .+= filt(ch.irs[txs[j],rxs[i]], x̄[:,j])
# add noise
if isanalytic(x)
noisy && ch.noise !== nothing && (ȳ .+= analytic(rand(ch.noise, size(ȳ), ch.fs)))
y = real(ȳ)
noisy && ch.noise !== nothing && (y .+= rand(ch.noise, size(y), ch.fs))
return y

### boundary conditions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,7 +244,6 @@ parameters are supported:
- `density` = density model
- `seabed` = seabed sediment model
- `surface` = surface model
- `noise` = noise model
All parameters are optional and have default values. Parameters may be modified
after construction by setting the corresponding property in the environment.
Expand All @@ -199,7 +257,6 @@ mutable struct UnderwaterEnvironment
function UnderwaterEnvironment(;
bathymetry = 100.0,
altimetry = 0.0,
Expand All @@ -209,7 +266,6 @@ mutable struct UnderwaterEnvironment
density = nothing,
seabed = RigidBoundary,
surface = PressureReleaseBoundary,
noise = nothing
bathymetry isa Number && (bathymetry = in_units(u"m", bathymetry))
altimetry isa Number && (altimetry = in_units(u"m", altimetry))
Expand All @@ -219,7 +275,7 @@ mutable struct UnderwaterEnvironment
density = something(density, water_density(temperature, salinity))
soundspeed isa Number && (soundspeed = in_units(u"m/s", soundspeed))
soundspeed = something(soundspeed, UnderwaterAcoustics.soundspeed(temperature, salinity))
new(bathymetry, altimetry, temperature, salinity, soundspeed, density, seabed, surface, noise)
new(bathymetry, altimetry, temperature, salinity, soundspeed, density, seabed, surface)

Expand All @@ -233,7 +289,6 @@ function, env::UnderwaterEnvironment)
println(io, " density = $(env.density), ")
println(io, " seabed = $(env.seabed), ")
println(io, " surface = $(env.surface), ")
println(io, " noise = $(env.noise)")
println(io, ")")

Expand All @@ -244,7 +299,7 @@ Return `true` if any quantity (e.g. sound speed, bathymetry, etc) in the
environment `env` depends on the horizontal location, and `false` otherwise.
function is_range_dependent(env::UnderwaterEnvironment)
for p (:bathymetry, :altimetry, :temperature, :salinity, :soundspeed, :density, :seabed, :surface, :noise)
for p (:bathymetry, :altimetry, :temperature, :salinity, :soundspeed, :density, :seabed, :surface)
is_range_dependent(getproperty(env, p)) && return true
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5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions src/pm_pekeris.jl
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Expand Up @@ -9,15 +9,14 @@ A fast differentiable ray tracer that only supports isovelocity constant depth
environments. `nbounces` is the number of surface/bottom bounces to consider
in the ray tracing.
struct PekerisRayTracer{T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8} <: AbstractPropagationModel
struct PekerisRayTracer{T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7} <: AbstractPropagationModel
h::T1 # water depth
c::T2 # sound speed
ρ::T3 # density
T::T4 # temperature
S::T5 # salinity
seabed::T6 # seabed properties
surface::T7 # surface properties
noise::T8 # noise model
function PekerisRayTracer(env; nbounces=16)
nbounces 0 || error("Number of nbounces cannot be negative")
Expand All @@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ struct PekerisRayTracer{T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8} <: AbstractPropagationModel
ρ = value(env.density)
T = value(env.temperature)
S = value(env.salinity)
ps = (h, c, ρ, T, S, env.seabed, env.surface, env.noise)
ps = (h, c, ρ, T, S, env.seabed, env.surface)
new{typeof.(ps)...}(ps..., nbounces)

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