Config Located In ..\addons\counterstrikesharp\plugins\Anti-Block-GoldKingZ\config\config.json
//----------------------------[ ↓ BodyBlock Configs ↓ ]-------------------------------
//OnStartRound Time In Secs Anti Body Block
//(0) = Disabled
"AntiBodyBlock_OnStartRoundDurationXInSecs": 10,
//----------------------------[ ↓ NadeBlock Configs ↓ ]-------------------------------
//Enable Anti Block Nade On TeamMates?
"AntiBlockNades_IfThrowToTeamMates": true,
//Enable Anti Block Nade On Enemy Team?
"AntiBlockNades_IfThrowToEnemyTeam": false,
//Which Nade Do You Want Anti Block
"AntiBlockNades_TheseNades": "hegrenade,flashbang,smokegrenade,decoy,molotov",
//----------------------------[ ↓ Utilities ↓ ]----------------------------------------------
//Enable Debug Will Print Server Console If You Face Any Issue
"EnableDebug": false,
// Colors
//{Yellow} {Gold} {Silver} {Blue} {DarkBlue} {BlueGrey} {Magenta} {LightRed}
//{LightBlue} {Olive} {Lime} {Red} {Purple} {Grey}
//{Default} {White} {Darkred} {Green} {LightYellow}
// Other
//{0} = Time Anti-BodyBlock
//{nextline} = Print On Next Line
"PrintChatToAllPlayers.AntiBlock.Enabled": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {grey}Anti-BodyBlock Is Now {lime}Enabled {grey}For {lime}{0} Secs",
"PrintChatToAllPlayers.AntiBlock.Disabled": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {grey}Anti-BodyBlock Is Now {darkred}Disabled"
-Added AntiBodyBlock_OnStartRoundDurationXInSecs
-Initial Release
If this project help you reduce time to develop, you can give me a cup of coffee :)