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Weekly check in 2010.09.09

Andrew Byrd edited this page Dec 17, 2014 · 1 revision

Call details

  • When: Friday, October 9, 2009

  • Number: 917-388-9050

  • Room: 8

  • PIN: 1234

If possible, you should join #opentripplanner on freenode so we can pass relevant links, etc around during the call.


  • Quickly check-in and make sure we're all on the same page about basic project decisions

  • Dive much deeper into the architecture (which is still very vaguely defined) and make the decisions necessary so we can break the work up into manageable chunks.


  • TODO: Bibiana will get permission to use/distribute regional centerline and bike map shapefiles for testing with OTP

  • TODO: Nick will recap conversation on licensing, lay out a couple of options, look at the licenses of the libraries we're already using and are likely to use, and send out a message to the list.

  • TIMELINE: Nick will send this out on Monday, voting will take place four weeks from then (assuming consensus hasn't already been reached)

  • TODO: Brian will follow up on Java graph library discussion

  • TODO: David Emory will work on NED importer

  • TODO: David Turner will start on narrative engine

  • TODO: Frank will work on variation of TriMet front-end to hook up to OTP.

  • TODO: Wyatt will take first pass at overall architecture by defining interfaces between the various modules. He'll send this out to the list for feedback and discussion within one month.

  • DECISION: Decisions will be made by 1) sending a proposal to the mailing list with a default action (can be very short, "I think we should do X because of Y and Z."), 2) attach a reasonable deadline for responding, and 3) calling a formal vote.

  • DECISION: Use GeoTools as GIS library

  • DECISION: Core is Java, tools in either Java or Python. To make experimenting and testing the software easy, the default OTP setup will only require Java.

  • DECISION: Use Maven for dependency management

  • DECISION: Use branches for experimental work.

  • DECISION: Keep trunk in a working state.

  • DECISION: When selecting a library, ticket, then send a message to the mailing list. Give a time deadline (e.g., "I'm going to do this in a week unless I hear otherwise").

  • DECISION: Will continue to have calls Fridays at 4:30pm.

  • DECISION: Ping the list when creating new tickets

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