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webhook job runner (support github webhook)

webhook job processor supporting github webhook for pull request, push, release.

when SECRET env var is defined signature is verified

bundled runner_lib method: http_post, release

how to use

  • Prepare your extra lib directory

    see bellow for payload libs details

      mkdir -p ~/extra_lib/job_payload/
      cp <your python job_payload python files>  ~/extra_lib/job_payload/

    if custom runner

      mkdir -p ~/extra_lib/runner/
      cp <your python runner python files>  ~/extra_lib/runner/
  • Prepare your job definition file

    see bellow for jobs config file details

      mkdir -p ~/.config
      vim ~/.config/job.json
  • start webhook listener

      # Default environments settings
      # HOST=
      # PORT=8080
      # APIS="swagger/github.yaml"
      # BRANCHES="(master)"
      # RELEASE_BRANCHES="(master)"
      # multiple accepted branch for push example: BRANCHES="(mybranch|master|anotherbranch)"
      # multiple accepted branch for release example: RELEASE_BRANCHES="(v1|v2|master)"
      export EXTRA_LIB=~/extra_lib
      export SECRET=the-secret-defined-on-github-webhook
      export JOB_CONFIG=~/.config/job.json
      python src/

jobs config file (environment variable: JOB_CONFIG)

job config file is a json file, that define keys.

    "<key>": {
        "<event_name>": {
            "runner_lib": "a_runner_lib",
            "uri": "uri used to create job",
            "credentials": {},
            "payload_lib": "a_lib_to_create_job_payload_for_uri"
            "tls": true,
            "release_files": ["asset_file1_to_release", "asset_file2_to_release"],
            "release_base_dir": "base dir path for release"

# Needed prop for default 'release' event:
  - release_files
  - release_base_dir

# Needed prop for 'pull_request:...', 'push' events with 'http_post' runner_lib
  - uri
  - credentials
  - payload_lib
  - tls

bundled runner libs


create payload from <payload_lib>
POST <uri> header=<credentials> json=payload verify=<tls>


When release event action is 'published'
  for each <file> from <release_files>
    download <repository html_url>/<event release tag_name>/<file>
    install downloaded file to <release_base_dir>/<event release tag_name>/

job config examples

jobs config file example for github

Here is an example of github webhook listener for repository listening on events:

  • pull request action opened: event is 'pr_opened'
  • push: event is 'push'

Pull request open will launch the following job:

extra_lib directory

         |_ job_payload/

         |_ runner/

payload libs

depending on your jobs, you may create a payload lib for each jobs

a job payload lib must define a class JobPayloadProvider(PayloadProviderAbstract)

This class must define method: def __call__(context: Context): that will provide json parameters for http_post method

  • context attribute that can be used to create job payload context objects are instance of ContextAbstract sub classes

minimum payload lib

from context.github_push import Context
from job_payload.payload_abstract import PayloadProviderAbstract

class JobPayloadProvider(PayloadProviderAbstract):
    def __call__(context: Context):
        return {}

example payload lib job-example-pr-opened for a rundeck job that needs code-to-test options

from context.github_push import Context
from job_payload.payload_abstract import PayloadProviderAbstract

class JobPayloadProvider(PayloadProviderAbstract):
    def __call__(context: Context):`
        "will create a payload with the context.commit_id value"
        return {
            "options": {
                "code-to-test": f"{context.commit_id}"

example custom release lib

from runner.release_runner import Runner as ReleaseRunner

class Runner(ReleaseRunner):
  def extra_action(self, job):
    return "current link updated:..."
  def release_dir(self, job):
    tag_name = job.context.tag_name.lstrip("v")
    api_version = tag_name.split(".")[0]
    return "%s/%s/%s" % (job.release_base_dir, api_version, tag_name)

Example of github event listener for github pull requests

from job.factory import JobFactory
from signature import verify

job_factory = JobFactory()

def pull_request(body):
    return job_factory.create(context_lib_name='github_pull_request', payload=body).run()