The cinder-operator is an OpenShift Operator built using the Operator Framework for Go. The Operator provides a way to easily install and manage an OpenStack Cinder service on OpenShift. This Operator was developed using RDO containers for openStack but is not limited to them.
Conceptually there are 2 types of nodes: Control Plane Nodes, running OpenStack control plane services on OpenShift, and External Data Plane (EDPM) Nodes, running RHEL for computes (and maybe swift).
Some links of interest:
In this section we'll deploy an operator deployed OpenStack system with a single compute node and using the LVM backend for block storage. The control plane will run in a single node OpenShift cluster inside a VM and the compute node will be a single EDPM node in another VM.
Cloning this repository is not necessary to follow this getting started section, though it will be for development.
You need to get your pull-secrets from Red Hat and store it in the machine,
for example on your home directory as pull-secret
Ensure prerequisites are installed:
sudo dnf -y install git make wget ansible-core
git clone
Get the OpenShift cluster up and running:
cd install_yamls/devsetup
PULL_SECRET=~/pull-secret CPUS=6 MEMORY=24576 DISK=50 make download_tools crc
make crc_attach_default_interface
Install the OpenStack operators:
eval $(crc oc-env)
cd ..
make crc_storage openstack_wait
Create the deployment config for the LVM backend and deploy the OpenStack control plane:
oc kustomize \ \
> ~/openstack-deployment.yaml
oc label node --all
OPENSTACK_CR=~/openstack-deployment.yaml make openstack_deploy
NOTE: We are using --all
to label all the nodes because we only have 1 node
in our OpenShift cluster. For 3 node cluster a node name must be provided
This will reboot the OpenShift cluster, so it will take a while to be up and running.
oc wait --for condition=Ready --timeout=300s
Create the EDPM (compute) VM and provisioning:
cd devsetup
make edpm_compute
cd ..
DATAPLANE_TIMEOUT=40m make edpm_wait_deploy
We should now have a working OpenStack deployment and we will be able to run
commands using the openstackclient
oc exec -t openstackclient -- openstack volume service list
oc exec -t openstackclient -- openstack compute service list
- Configure Cinder with additional networks
- Expose Cinder API to an isolated network
- Configure Cinder with Ceph backend
- Contributing
Running make crc_storage openstack_wait
may fail creating the PVs. It is safe
to just retry the command.
Or we can clean existing PVs with make crc_storage_cleanup
and retry.
Running DATAPLANE_TIMEOUT=40m make edpm_wait_deploy
usually fails due to a
You can watch oc get OpenStackDataPlaneDeployment
until it is ready and then
run make edpm_nova_discover_hosts
We can see the pods that are running ansible playbooks to configure the
compute node with oc get pod -l app=openstackansibleee --watch
and the do an
oc logs
on a specific pod.
We can also check the logs filtering by label:
oc logs -f -l app=openstackansibleee
Or we can also run a complex command to log the different pods automatically:
while true; do oc logs -n openstack -f $(oc get pod -l osdpd=openstack-edpm --field-selector='status.phase=Running' --no-headers -o name) 2>/dev/null || echo -n .; sleep 1; done
ssh -i ~/install_yamls/out/edpm/ansibleee-ssh-key-id_rsa [email protected]
Once provisioned cloud-admin user will exist.
oc debug $(oc get node -o name)
chroot /host
Copyright 2022.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.