Releases: opensrp/opensrp-client-chw-hf
Releases · opensrp/opensrp-client-chw-hf
Alpha Release Version 1.2.14: RC
Alpha Release Version 1.2.14
Rename release apk
What's Changed
- Delete chw core lib module - its provided now as artifact by @ellykits in #1
- Implement all clients feature by @ellykits in #24
- Includes Client register filters - filters referred children, ANC and PNC women by @ellykits in #25
- Implement dropdown menu on client profiles by @ellykits in #28
- Update opd version to 0.0.8 by @ellykits in #29
- Enhancements and fixes on Medical history and Malaria register by @ellykits in #30
- Playstore release by @ellykits in #32
- Fix toolbar background color Family Register by @ellykits in #33
- Migrate to AndroidX by @ellykits in #31
- Add family planning registration form by @allan-on in #43
- Add family planning register by @allan-on in #42
- Implement family planning member profile by @allan-on in #46
- Fp change or stop by @paulinembabu in #45
- Hf fp upcoming services by @paulinembabu in #44
- Family Planning fixes by @allan-on in #47
- Implement sync task with events by @ellykits in #49
- Refactoring of all-clients-register implementation into chw-core by @cozej4 in #58
- Family Planning bug fixes by @allan-on in #83
- Malaria module fixes by @ellykits in #53
- Fix FP referral header display by @allan-on in #86
- Hf stock usage reporting by @paulinembabu in #87
- Male family planning changes by @manutarus in #89
- All clients profile by @ellykits in #84
- Add sick child follow-up HF form & ANC danger signs outcome form by @allan-on in #85
- Add malaria follow-up and PNC danger signs form by @allan-on in #93
- Implement referral notification dismissal by @ellykits in #95
- Hf in app reporting by @paulinembabu in #96
- Show hf follow-ups notifications and details by @allan-on in #99
- Fixes on the service activity Reporting page by @paulinembabu in #100
- Emergency transport 425 by @paulinembabu in #101
- Implement closing of expired referrals by @cozej4 in #98
- Adds fp male indicators by @paulinembabu in #104
- Show notifications row on member profile by @ellykits in #103
- HF Follow-up forms relevance & constraints fixes by @allan-on in #105
- MS: Updates to HF forms by @msschroeder in #102
- Bump up chw-core version to 1.2.11 by @ellykits in #106
- Integrate intent service for syncing locations by team ids by @ellykits in #108
- Update Faclity Level build config by @ellykits in #113
- Ba fixes by @paulinembabu in #112
- Bumps up gradle version by @paulinembabu in #114
- Sync HF report events by @manutarus in #94
- MS: Updated HF Swahili translation forms by @msschroeder in #115
- Fix swahili translation bug by @ellykits in #116
- Update dependency versions by @ellykits in #117
- BA week two support Work by @paulinembabu in #118
- Fix app crash when opening FP profile by @ellykits in #119
- Configure transifex client and pull swahili translations by @ellykits in #121
- Update chw core dependency by @allan-on in #122
- Migrate to Github actions by @hamza-vd in #124
- Fix search toggle UI by @hamza-vd in #125
- Translation fixes by @hamza-vd in #123
- Monthly tallies sync by @paulinembabu in #126
- Fix show medical history & forms crashing on Android 5 by @allan-on in #129
- Adding a family member to a family takes forever by @owais-vd in #133
- Boresha Afya Fixes: App crashes when a user clicks on a ANC profile's View house location by @owais-vd in #135
- Boresha Afya Fixes: App crashes when a user clicks on a ANC profile's View house location by @owais-vd in #136
- Boresha Afya Fixes: Saving a Family takes more than 5mins by @owais-vd in #137
- Boresha Afya Fixes: Blank Page on View House Location by @owais-vd in #139
- bump up app version by @hilpitome in #140
- add release.yml file by @hilpitome in #141
New Contributors
- @ellykits made their first contribution in #1
- @allan-on made their first contribution in #43
- @paulinembabu made their first contribution in #45
- @cozej4 made their first contribution in #58
- @manutarus made their first contribution in #89
- @msschroeder made their first contribution in #102
- @hamza-vd made their first contribution in #124
- @owais-vd made their first contribution in #133
- @hilpitome made their first contribution in #140
Full Changelog:
Update swahili translations