File tree
1,923 files changed
lines changed- scripts
- src
- common
- check_dataset_schema
- check_yaml_schema
- comp_tests
- create_component
- create_task_readme
- decompress_gzip
- extract_metadata
- extract_scores
- helper_functions
- process_dataset_metadata/run
- process_task_results
- api
- generate_qc
- get_api_info
- get_dataset_info
- get_method_info
- get_metric_info
- get_results
- get_task_info
- run
- yaml_to_json
- resources_test_scripts
- schemas
- sync_test_resources
- datasets
- api
- loaders
- cellxgene_census
- cellxgene_census_from_source_h5ad
- openproblems_neurips2021_bmmc
- openproblems_neurips2022_pbmc
- openproblems_v1
- openproblems_v1_multimodal
- tenx_visium
- zenodo_spatial
- zenodo_spatial_slidetags
- normalization
- atac_tfidf
- l1_sqrt
- log_cp
- log_scran_pooling
- prot_clr
- sqrt_cp
- processors
- hvg
- knn
- pca
- subsample
- svd
- resource_scripts
- resource_test_scripts
- workflows
- extract_dataset_info
- extract_dataset_meta
- process_cellxgene_census
- process_openproblems_neurips2021_bmmc
- process_openproblems_neurips2022_pbmc
- process_openproblems_v1
- process_openproblems_v1_multimodal
- process_tenx_visium
- process_zenodo_spatial
- process_zenodo_spatial_slidetags
- tasks
- batch_integration
- api
- control_methods
- no_integration
- batch_embed
- global_embed
- global_feature
- global_graph
- perfect_integration
- celltype_embed
- celltype_jitter_embed
- random_integration
- batch_embed
- batch_feature
- batch_graph
- celltype_embed
- celltype_feature
- celltype_graph
- global_embed
- global_feature
- global_graph
- methods
- bbknn
- combat
- fastmnn_embedding
- fastmnn_feature
- liger
- mnn_correct
- mnnpy
- pyliger
- scalex_embed
- scalex_feature
- scanorama_embed
- scanorama_feature
- scanvi
- scvi
- metrics
- asw_batch
- asw_label
- cell_cycle_conservation
- clustering_overlap
- graph_connectivity
- hvg_overlap
- isolated_label_asw
- isolated_label_f1
- kbet
- lisi
- pcr
- process_dataset
- resources_scripts
- resources_test_scripts
- transformers
- embed_to_graph
- feature_to_embed
- workflows
- process_datasets
- run_benchmark
- denoising
- api
- control_methods
- no_denoising
- perfect_denoising
- methods
- alra
- dca
- knn_smoothing
- magic
- saver
- metrics
- mse
- poisson
- process_dataset
- resources_scripts
- resources_test_scripts
- workflows
- process_datasets
- run_benchmark
- dimensionality_reduction
- api
- control_methods
- random_features
- spectral_features
- true_features
- methods
- densmap
- diffusion_map
- ivis
- lmds
- neuralee
- pca
- phate
- pymde
- simlr
- tsne
- umap
- metrics
- clustering_performance
- coranking
- density_preservation
- distance_correlation
- trustworthiness
- process_dataset
- resources_scripts
- resources_test_scripts
- workflows
- process_datasets
- run_benchmark
- label_projection
- api
- control_methods
- majority_vote
- random_labels
- true_labels
- methods
- knn
- logistic_regression
- mlp
- naive_bayes
- scanvi
- scanvi_scarches
- seurat_transferdata
- xgboost
- metrics
- accuracy
- f1
- process_dataset
- resources_scripts
- resources_test_scripts
- workflows
- process_datasets
- run_benchmark
- match_modalities
- api
- control_methods
- random_features
- true_features
- methods
- fastmnn
- harmonic_alignment
- procrustes
- scot
- metrics
- knn_auc
- mse
- process_dataset
- resources_scripts
- resources_test_scripts
- workflows
- process_datasets
- run_benchmark
- predict_modality
- api
- control_methods
- meanpergene
- random_predict
- solution
- zeros
- methods
- guanlab_dengkw_pm
- knnr_py
- knnr_r
- lm
- lmds_irlba_rf
- newwave_knnr
- novel
- predict
- run
- train
- random_forest
- simple_mlp
- predict
- resources
- yaml
- run
- train
- metrics
- correlation
- mse
- process_dataset
- resources_scripts
- resources_test_scripts
- workflows
- process_datasets
- run_benchmark
- spatial_decomposition
- api
- control_methods
- random_proportions
- true_proportions
- dataset_simulator
- methods
- cell2location
- destvi
- nmfreg
- nnls
- rctd
- seurat
- stereoscope
- tangram
- vanillanmf
- metrics/r2
- process_dataset
- resources_scripts
- resources_test_scripts
- workflows
- process_datasets
- run_benchmark
- spatially_variable_genes
- api
- control_methods
- random_ranking
- true_ranking
- methods
- boostgp
- gpcounts
- moran_i
- nnsvg
- scgco
- sepal
- somde
- spagcn
- spagft
- spanve
- spark
- spark_x
- spatialde
- spatialde2
- metrics/correlation
- process_dataset
- select_reference
- simulate_svg
- split_dataset
- resources_scripts
- resources_test_scripts
- workflows
- process_datasets
- run_benchmark
- wf_utils
- target
- docker
- batch_integration
- control_methods
- no_integration
- batch_embed
- global_embed
- global_feature
- global_graph
- perfect_integration
- celltype_embed
- celltype_jitter_embed
- random_integration
- batch_embed
- batch_feature
- batch_graph
- celltype_embed
- celltype_feature
- celltype_graph
- global_embed
- global_feature
- global_graph
- methods
- bbknn
- combat
- fastmnn_embedding
- fastmnn_feature
- liger
- mnn_correct
- mnnpy
- pyliger
- scalex_embed
- scalex_feature
- scanorama_embed
- scanorama_feature
- scanvi
- scvi
- metrics
- asw_batch
- asw_label
- cell_cycle_conservation
- clustering_overlap
- graph_connectivity
- hvg_overlap
- isolated_label_asw
- isolated_label_f1
- kbet
- pcr
- process_dataset
- transformers
- embed_to_graph
- feature_to_embed
- common
- check_dataset_schema
- check_yaml_schema
- create_component
- create_task_readme
- decompress_gzip
- extract_metadata
- process_task_results
- generate_qc
- get_dataset_info
- get_method_info
- get_metric_info
- get_results
- get_task_info
- yaml_to_json
- sync_test_resources
- datasets
- loaders
- cellxgene_census
- cellxgene_census_from_source_h5ad
- openproblems_neurips2021_bmmc
- openproblems_neurips2022_pbmc
- openproblems_v1
- openproblems_v1_multimodal
- tenx_visium
- zenodo_spatial
- zenodo_spatial_slidetags
- normalization
- atac_tfidf
- l1_sqrt
- log_cp
- log_scran_pooling
- prot_clr
- sqrt_cp
- processors
- hvg
- knn
- pca
- subsample
- svd
- denoising
- control_methods
- no_denoising
- perfect_denoising
- methods
- alra
- dca
- knn_smoothing
- magic
- metrics
- mse
- poisson
- process_dataset
- dimensionality_reduction
- control_methods
- random_features
- spectral_features
- true_features
- methods
- densmap
- diffusion_map
- ivis
- lmds
- neuralee
- pca
- phate
- pymde
- simlr
- tsne
- umap
- metrics
- clustering_performance
- coranking
- density_preservation
- distance_correlation
- trustworthiness
- process_dataset
- label_projection
- control_methods
- majority_vote
- random_labels
- true_labels
- methods
- knn
- logistic_regression
- mlp
- naive_bayes
- scanvi
- scanvi_scarches
- xgboost
- metrics
- accuracy
- f1
- process_dataset
- match_modalities
- control_methods
- random_features
- true_features
- methods
- fastmnn
- harmonic_alignment
- procrustes
- scot
- metrics
- knn_auc
- mse
- process_dataset
- predict_modality
- control_methods
- mean_per_gene
- random_predict
- solution
- zeros
- methods
- guanlab_dengkw_pm
- knnr_py
- knnr_r
- lm
- lmds_irlba_rf
- novel_predict
- novel_train
- simplemlp_predict
- resources
- yaml
- simplemlp_train
- resources
- yaml
- metrics
- correlation
- mse
- process_dataset
- spatial_decomposition
- control_methods
- random_proportions
- true_proportions
- dataset_simulator
- methods
- cell2location
- destvi
- nmfreg
- nnls
- rctd
- seurat
- stereoscope
- tangram
- vanillanmf
- metrics/r2
- process_dataset
- spatially_variable_genes
- control_methods
- random_ranking
- true_ranking
- methods
- boostgp
- gpcounts
- moran_i
- nnsvg
- scgco
- sepal
- somde
- spagcn
- spagft
- spanve
- spark
- spark_x
- spatialde
- spatialde2
- metrics/correlation
- process_dataset
- select_reference
- simulate_svg
- split_dataset
- native
- common
- create_component
- create_task_readme
- process_task_results/yaml_to_json
- sync_test_resources
- dimensionality_reduction
- methods
- densmap
- simlr
- metrics/clustering_performance
- spatial_decomposition
- control_methods
- random_proportions
- true_proportions
- dataset_simulator
- methods
- cell2location
- destvi
- nmfreg
- nnls
- rctd
- seurat
- stereoscope
- tangram
- vanillanmf
- metrics/r2
- spatially_variable_genes
- control_methods
- random_ranking
- true_ranking
- methods
- boostgp
- gpcounts
- moran_i
- nnsvg
- scgco
- sepal
- somde
- spagcn
- spagft
- spanve
- spark
- spark_x
- spatialde
- spatialde2
- metrics/correlation
- nextflow
- batch_integration
- control_methods
- no_integration
- batch_embed
- global_embed
- global_feature
- global_graph
- perfect_integration
- celltype_embed
- celltype_jitter_embed
- random_integration
- batch_embed
- batch_feature
- batch_graph
- celltype_embed
- celltype_feature
- celltype_graph
- global_embed
- global_feature
- global_graph
- methods
- bbknn
- combat
- fastmnn_embedding
- fastmnn_feature
- liger
- mnn_correct
- mnnpy
- pyliger
- scalex_embed
- scalex_feature
- scanorama_embed
- scanorama_feature
- scanvi
- scvi
- metrics
- asw_batch
- asw_label
- cell_cycle_conservation
- clustering_overlap
- graph_connectivity
- hvg_overlap
- isolated_label_asw
- isolated_label_f1
- kbet
- pcr
- process_dataset
- transformers
- embed_to_graph
- feature_to_embed
- workflows
- process_datasets
- run_benchmark
- common
- check_dataset_schema
- check_yaml_schema
- create_component
- create_task_readme
- decompress_gzip
- extract_metadata
- process_dataset_metadata/run
- process_task_results
- generate_qc
- get_dataset_info
- get_method_info
- get_metric_info
- get_results
- get_task_info
- run
- yaml_to_json
- sync_test_resources
- datasets
- loaders
- cellxgene_census
- cellxgene_census_from_source_h5ad
- openproblems_neurips2021_bmmc
- openproblems_neurips2022_pbmc
- openproblems_v1
- openproblems_v1_multimodal
- tenx_visium
- zenodo_spatial
- zenodo_spatial_slidetags
- normalization
- atac_tfidf
- l1_sqrt
- log_cp
- log_scran_pooling
- prot_clr
- sqrt_cp
- processors
- hvg
- knn
- pca
- subsample
- svd
- workflows
- extract_dataset_info
- extract_dataset_meta
- process_cellxgene_census
- process_openproblems_neurips2021_bmmc
- process_openproblems_neurips2022_pbmc
- process_openproblems_v1
- process_openproblems_v1_multimodal
- process_tenx_visium
- process_zenodo_spatial
- process_zenodo_spatial_slidetags
- denoising
- control_methods
- no_denoising
- perfect_denoising
- methods
- alra
- dca
- knn_smoothing
- magic
- metrics
- mse
- poisson
- process_dataset
- workflows
- process_datasets
- run_benchmark
- dimensionality_reduction
- control_methods
- random_features
- spectral_features
- true_features
- methods
- densmap
- diffusion_map
- ivis
- lmds
- neuralee
- pca
- phate
- pymde
- simlr
- tsne
- umap
- metrics
- clustering_performance
- coranking
- density_preservation
- distance_correlation
- trustworthiness
- process_dataset
- workflows
- process_datasets
- run_benchmark
- label_projection
- control_methods
- majority_vote
- random_labels
- true_labels
- methods
- knn
- logistic_regression
- mlp
- naive_bayes
- scanvi
- scanvi_scarches
- xgboost
- metrics
- accuracy
- f1
- process_dataset
- workflows
- process_datasets
- run_benchmark
- match_modalities
- control_methods
- random_features
- true_features
- methods
- fastmnn
- harmonic_alignment
- procrustes
- scot
- metrics
- knn_auc
- mse
- process_dataset
- workflows
- process_datasets
- run_benchmark
- predict_modality
- control_methods
- mean_per_gene
- random_predict
- solution
- zeros
- methods
- guanlab_dengkw_pm
- knnr_py
- knnr_r
- lm
- lmds_irlba_rf
- novel
- novel_predict
- novel_train
- simplemlp
- simplemlp_predict
- resources
- yaml
- simplemlp_train
- resources
- yaml
- metrics
- correlation
- mse
- process_dataset
- workflows
- process_datasets
- run_benchmark
- spatial_decomposition
- control_methods
- random_proportions
- true_proportions
- dataset_simulator
- methods
- cell2location
- destvi
- nmfreg
- nnls
- rctd
- seurat
- stereoscope
- tangram
- vanillanmf
- metrics/r2
- process_dataset
- workflows
- process_datasets
- run_benchmark
- spatially_variable_genes
- control_methods
- random_ranking
- true_ranking
- methods
- boostgp
- gpcounts
- moran_i
- nnsvg
- scgco
- sepal
- somde
- spagcn
- spagft
- spanve
- spark
- spark_x
- spatialde
- spatialde2
- metrics/correlation
- process_dataset
- select_reference
- simulate_svg
- split_dataset
- workflows
- process_datasets
- run_benchmark
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
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