Releases: openpitrix/dashboard
Releases · openpitrix/dashboard
- standard-version cant generate changelog from commit range (a3e65fbc)
- Speed up webpack build (#1114) (ac935e38)
- Add English i18n (#1105) (cf9ecb5c)
- Remove repo related files (#1103) (aeee8eb9)
- Click switch button trigger select all actions in ISV role page (#1100) (fa48b5cf)
- Set navigation menu according to permissions (#1094) (cd635608)
Bug Fixes
- Form input width (#1113) (f0230f39)
- Cyclic dependency in routes module (#1112) (d7550e5f)
- Deploy helm app, changed values.yaml not updated (#1109) (67e4beef)
- Home page infinite scroll (#1104) (bd70a2fd)
- Developer navigation app icon style (#1099) (619644e5)
- Create app when add delivery type (#1096) (a183d5fd)
- Query deploy statistics add deleted status (#1097) (7d9e5d89)
- My apps query status param (#1095) (5a859d2b)
- Unified management for form sub-components (#1110) (07218c75)
- Category mgmt icon list (#1102) (af267aa4)
- Jest config not show coverage files (#1101) (4d9e96fd)
- Detail pages loading style (#1098) (0f9a0bb5)
- Add cloud info page (#945) (63d541e)
- Add websocket proxy server, refine socket client (#794) (fca7393)
- Change runtime page (#808) (a506da2)
- ISV create role (#817) (36d3699)
- Add new review pages for admin and ISV (#591)
- Add global setting for admin user
- Account and provider detail page style (#965) (d461a15)
- Add ISV query in app detail (#932) (1a0b7bb)
- Admin user page of groupName (#1007) (be16472)
- Api role:module no checked_action_id (#801) (aefa8d7)
- App version and review related issues (#1066) (9fbc8b2)
- Can delete suspended app version (#988) (001b6be)
- Category page add app, can not choose app (#1074) (aa7fded)
- Create runtime credential throw missing name (#1026) (80b7c29)
- Deploy app no valid version (#996) (7804871)
- Deployed app detail page reference clusters (ef68a37)
- Email config display_sender (#867) (7a4d16d)
- Hide pagination for helm's cluster (#1010) (6c91379)
- Hide terms of service about app info (7c8652a)
- I18n key and ns separator (#962) (a9d35d4)
- Isv apply auth error (#1011) (6c45c46)
- ISV creat role param is_check_all (#1009) (e1dab0a)
- ISV create user (#898) (d12ad09)
- isv role page (#803) (c042569)
- Loading icon not work on firefox (#953) (648569b)
- Notification server page display_sender (#1030) (6d88316)
- Npm script add cross-env prefix (#879) (d496c00)
- Production build (#881) (8aaf7f3)
- Proxy server read from process.env (#938) (9952a63)
- Review detail page add download package (#1028) (ec9f7cf)
- Runtime detail reference clusters page (#1079) (fc53b0a)
- Runtime set initial credential name (#911) (0456f9f)
- Runtime tab of k8s (#1006) (05fa89a)
- Scss color define error (#826) (a65313f)
- Security problems in packages (#825) (ceb5609)
- Side nav styles for dev role (#847) (0e5b07d)
- SSH page style by new design (#805) (33ddae8)
- Table checkbox (#1029) (6d35016)
- Travis build failed due to slim image (#831) (a16e453)
- Update localstorage apps when delete or update app (#992) (b77c341)
- User portal clusters query add owner param (#994) (06a3b3d)
- User set role (#874) (e9336e2)
- Version suspend operate id error (#927) (8f49993)
- Versions and audits pages style (#810) (41f8893)
Bug Fixes
- App link in provider detail page (#697) (e7c3524)
- App version not update when changed url (#669) (cb3942c)
- Category app count (#681) (171cdbf)
- Overview page routes (#694) (b8893ff)
- Page access control (#677) (8aacb5d)
- SideNav active style check (#693) (762124c)
- SideNav routes, dev links in isv portal redirect wrong place (#695) (9323674)
- Add new app detail page (#655) (762fdf4)
- Add new deploy page (#665) (0ce38d6)
- Add new review pages for admin and ISV (#591) (aa5f664)
- Admin category mgmt (#616) (7b752b9)
- App information mgmt and service contract (#594) (879a69e)
- App mgmt for isv and admin (#617) (f6c876a)
- Create runtime and runtime credential (#579) (00e1fa1)
- New app version mgmt pages (#578) (bf83cb1)
- New style home page (#654) (06107a5)