This is a repo to act as a reference for the issues we've encountered with OpenNext Cloudflare's experimental branch (Dec 25 2024).
Github issue brianc/node-postgres#3349 (comment)
- "@opennextjs/cloudflare": "0.3.2" (e)
- "next": "14.2.13",
- "pg": "8.13.1",
pnpm run build:next && pnpm run build:worker && pnpm run dev:worker
Fetches data from a local postgres instance using drizzle & postgresjs. Gets stuck and doesn't return a response.
Error: The script will never generate a response.
at async Object.fetch (xx/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/miniflare/dist/src/workers/core/entry.worker.js:1029:22)
Only by moving to 'node-pg' does it work, as long as we patch the missing index.js cloudflare-pg file described here: brianc/node-postgres#3349 (comment)
Body parsing gets stuck and returns a 500 error
curl 'http://localhost:4000/api/db' -H 'Accept: application/json' --data-raw '{"foo": "mii"}' -X POST
[wrangler:inf] GET /api/db 500 Internal Server Error (41ms)
const handlerMjsPath = path.resolve(
let handlerCode = fs.readFileSync(handlerMjsPath, 'utf8')
const insertionMarker = ' const request2 = _nextrequest.NextRequestAdapter.fromBaseNextRequest(req, (0, _nextrequest.signalFromNodeResponse)(res.originalResponse));'
const insertionLine = ` req = { ...req, body: await new Promise((resolve) => { let body = ''; req.body.on('data', (chunk) => (body += chunk)); req.body.on('end', () => resolve(body)); }) };`
These objects are not being returned as JSON
Instead, we get a 500 error with a html page
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charSet="utf-8"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"/>
<title>500: Internal Server Error</title>
<meta name="next-head-count" content="3"/>
<noscript data-n-css=""></noscript>
<script defer="" nomodule="" src="/_next/static/chunks/polyfills-42372ed130431b0a.js"></script>
<script src="/_next/static/chunks/webpack-73ba21a5ec4f6697.js" defer=""></script>
<script src="/_next/static/chunks/framework-e4c547bf1d05f43d.js" defer=""></script>
<script src="/_next/static/chunks/main-b5c92671c9f74dbf.js" defer=""></script>
<script src="/_next/static/chunks/pages/_app-fa5769f7cdab348e.js" defer=""></script>
<script src="/_next/static/chunks/pages/_error-67b143933d1ae103.js" defer=""></script>
<script src="/_next/static/bWzZviwrYtC10xgoJZnQF/_buildManifest.js" defer=""></script>
<script src="/_next/static/bWzZviwrYtC10xgoJZnQF/_ssgManifest.js" defer=""></script>