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[govee] Fix synchronization of brightness
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Signed-off-by: AndrewFG <[email protected]>
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andrewfg committed Nov 27, 2024
1 parent 6e81a76 commit 5214ab0
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import org.openhab.binding.govee.internal.model.Color;
import org.openhab.binding.govee.internal.model.ColorData;
import org.openhab.binding.govee.internal.model.EmptyValueQueryStatusData;
import org.openhab.binding.govee.internal.model.GenericGoveeData;
import org.openhab.binding.govee.internal.model.GenericGoveeMsg;
import org.openhab.binding.govee.internal.model.GenericGoveeRequest;
import org.openhab.binding.govee.internal.model.StatusResponse;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,10 +89,8 @@ public class GoveeHandler extends BaseThingHandler {

private CommunicationManager communicationManager;

private int lastOnOff;
private int lastBrightness;
private HSBType lastColor = new HSBType();
private int lastColorTempInKelvin = COLOR_TEMPERATURE_MIN_VALUE.intValue();
private int lastKelvin = COLOR_TEMPERATURE_MIN_VALUE.intValue();

* This thing related job <i>thingRefreshSender</i> triggers an update to the Govee device.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,43 +152,41 @@ public void dispose() {
public void handleCommand(ChannelUID channelUID, Command command) {
try {
logger.debug("handleCommand({}, {})", channelUID, command);
if (command instanceof RefreshType) {
// we are refreshing all channels at once, as we get all information at the same time
logger.debug("Triggering Refresh");
} else {
logger.debug("Channel ID {} type {}", channelUID.getId(), command.getClass());
switch (channelUID.getId()) {
if (command instanceof HSBType hsbCommand) {
int[] rgb = ColorUtil.hsbToRgb(hsbCommand);
sendColor(new Color(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]));
} else if (command instanceof PercentType percent) {
} else if (command instanceof OnOffType onOffCommand) {
Command doCommand = command;
if (doCommand instanceof HSBType hsb) {
doCommand = hsb.getBrightness(); // fall through
if (doCommand instanceof PercentType percent) {
doCommand = OnOffType.from(percent.intValue() > 0); // fall through
if (doCommand instanceof OnOffType onOff) {

if (command instanceof PercentType percent) {
logger.debug("COLOR_TEMPERATURE: Color Temperature change with Percent Type {}", command);
Double colorTemp = (COLOR_TEMPERATURE_MIN_VALUE + percent.intValue()
lastColorTempInKelvin = colorTemp.intValue();
logger.debug("lastColorTempInKelvin {}", lastColorTempInKelvin);

if (command instanceof QuantityType<?> quantity) {
logger.debug("Color Temperature Absolute change with Percent Type {}", command);
lastColorTempInKelvin = quantity.intValue();
logger.debug("COLOR_TEMPERATURE_ABS: lastColorTempInKelvin {}", lastColorTempInKelvin);
int lastColorTempInPercent = ((Double) ((lastColorTempInKelvin
logger.debug("computed lastColorTempInPercent {}", lastColorTempInPercent);
if (command instanceof QuantityType<?> genericQuantity) {
QuantityType<?> kelvin = genericQuantity.toInvertibleUnit(Units.KELVIN);
if (kelvin == null) {
logger.warn("handleCommand() invalid QuantityType:{}", genericQuantity);
Expand All @@ -203,62 +200,73 @@ public void handleCommand(ChannelUID channelUID, Command command) {

* Initiate a refresh to our thing devicee
* Initiate a refresh to our thing device
private void triggerDeviceStatusRefresh() throws IOException {
logger.debug("trigger Refresh Status of device {}", thing.getLabel());
GenericGoveeRequest lightQuery = new GenericGoveeRequest(
new GenericGoveeMsg("devStatus", new EmptyValueQueryStatusData()));
communicationManager.sendRequest(this, lightQuery);
GenericGoveeData data = new EmptyValueQueryStatusData();
GenericGoveeRequest request = new GenericGoveeRequest(new GenericGoveeMsg("devStatus", data));
communicationManager.sendRequest(this, request);

public void sendColor(Color color) throws IOException {
lastColor = ColorUtil.rgbToHsb(new int[] { color.r(), color.g(), color.b() });

GenericGoveeRequest lightColor = new GenericGoveeRequest(
new GenericGoveeMsg("colorwc", new ColorData(color, 0)));
communicationManager.sendRequest(this, lightColor);
* Send the normalized RGB color parameters.
public void sendColor(HSBType color) throws IOException {
logger.debug("sendColor({})", color);
int[] normalRGB = ColorUtil.hsbToRgb(new HSBType(color.getHue(), color.getSaturation(), PercentType.HUNDRED));
GenericGoveeData data = new ColorData(new Color(normalRGB[0], normalRGB[1], normalRGB[2]), 0);
GenericGoveeRequest request = new GenericGoveeRequest(new GenericGoveeMsg("colorwc", data));
communicationManager.sendRequest(this, request);
lastColor = color;

public void sendBrightness(int brightness) throws IOException {
lastBrightness = brightness;
GenericGoveeRequest lightBrightness = new GenericGoveeRequest(
new GenericGoveeMsg("brightness", new ValueIntData(brightness)));
communicationManager.sendRequest(this, lightBrightness);
* Send the brightness parameter.
public void sendBrightness(PercentType brightness) throws IOException {
logger.debug("sendBrightness({})", brightness);
GenericGoveeData data = new ValueIntData(brightness.intValue());
GenericGoveeRequest request = new GenericGoveeRequest(new GenericGoveeMsg("brightness", data));
communicationManager.sendRequest(this, request);
lastColor = new HSBType(lastColor.getHue(), lastColor.getSaturation(), brightness);

private void sendOnOff(OnOffType switchValue) throws IOException {
lastOnOff = (switchValue == OnOffType.ON) ? 1 : 0;
GenericGoveeRequest switchLight = new GenericGoveeRequest(
new GenericGoveeMsg("turn", new ValueIntData(lastOnOff)));
communicationManager.sendRequest(this, switchLight);
* Send the on-off parameter.
private void sendOnOff(OnOffType onOff) throws IOException {
logger.debug("sendOnOff({})", onOff);
GenericGoveeData data = new ValueIntData(onOff == OnOffType.ON ? 1 : 0);
GenericGoveeRequest request = new GenericGoveeRequest(new GenericGoveeMsg("turn", data));
communicationManager.sendRequest(this, request);

private void sendColorTemp(int colorTemp) throws IOException {
lastColorTempInKelvin = colorTemp;
logger.debug("sendColorTemp {}", colorTemp);
GenericGoveeRequest lightColor = new GenericGoveeRequest(
new GenericGoveeMsg("colorwc", new ColorData(new Color(0, 0, 0), colorTemp)));
communicationManager.sendRequest(this, lightColor);
* Set the color temperature (Kelvin) parameter.
private void sendKelvin(int kelvin) throws IOException {
logger.debug("sendKelvin({})", kelvin);
GenericGoveeData data = new ColorData(new Color(0, 0, 0), kelvin);
GenericGoveeRequest request = new GenericGoveeRequest(new GenericGoveeMsg("colorwc", data));
communicationManager.sendRequest(this, request);
lastKelvin = kelvin;

* Creates a Color state by using the last color information from lastColor
* The brightness is overwritten either by the provided lastBrightness
* or if lastOnOff = 0 (off) then the brightness is set 0
* Build an {@link HSBType} from the given normalized {@link Color} record, brightness, and on state.
* @see #lastColor
* @see #lastBrightness
* @see #lastOnOff
* @param normalColor record containing the lamp's normalized RGB parameters (0..255)
* @param brightness the lamp brightness in range 0..100
* @param on the lamp state
* @return the computed state
* @return the HSB presentation state
private HSBType getColorState(Color color, int brightness) {
PercentType computedBrightness = lastOnOff == 0 ? new PercentType(0) : new PercentType(brightness);
int[] rgb = { color.r(), color.g(), color.b() };
HSBType hsb = ColorUtil.rgbToHsb(rgb);
return new HSBType(hsb.getHue(), hsb.getSaturation(), computedBrightness);
private static HSBType buildHSB(Color normalColor, int brightness, boolean on) {
int[] normalizedRGB = { normalColor.r(), normalColor.g(), normalColor.b() };
HSBType normalizedHSB = ColorUtil.rgbToHsb(normalizedRGB);
PercentType brightnessParam = on ? new PercentType(brightness) : PercentType.ZERO;
return new HSBType(normalizedHSB.getHue(), normalizedHSB.getSaturation(), brightnessParam);

void handleIncomingStatus(String response) {
Expand All @@ -285,46 +293,54 @@ public void updateDeviceState(@Nullable StatusResponse message) {

logger.trace("Receiving Device State");
int newOnOff = message.msg().data().onOff();
logger.trace("newOnOff = {}", newOnOff);
int newBrightness = message.msg().data().brightness();
logger.trace("newBrightness = {}", newBrightness);
Color newColor = message.msg().data().color();
logger.trace("newColor = {}", newColor);
int newColorTempInKelvin = message.msg().data().colorTemInKelvin();
logger.trace("newColorTempInKelvin = {}", newColorTempInKelvin);

newColorTempInKelvin = (newColorTempInKelvin < COLOR_TEMPERATURE_MIN_VALUE)
: newColorTempInKelvin;
newColorTempInKelvin = (newColorTempInKelvin > COLOR_TEMPERATURE_MAX_VALUE)
: newColorTempInKelvin;

int newColorTempInPercent = ((Double) ((newColorTempInKelvin - COLOR_TEMPERATURE_MIN_VALUE)

HSBType adaptedColor = getColorState(newColor, newBrightness);

logger.trace("HSB old: {} vs adaptedColor: {}", lastColor, adaptedColor);
// avoid noise by only updating if the value has changed on the device
if (!adaptedColor.equals(lastColor)) {
logger.trace("UPDATING HSB old: {} != {}", lastColor, adaptedColor);
updateState(CHANNEL_COLOR, adaptedColor);

boolean on = message.msg().data().onOff() == 1;
logger.trace("on:{}", on);

int brightness = message.msg().data().brightness();
logger.trace("brightness:{}", brightness);

Color normalRGB = message.msg().data().color();
logger.trace("normalRGB:{}", normalRGB);

int kelvin = message.msg().data().colorTemInKelvin();
logger.trace("kelvin:{}", kelvin);

HSBType color = buildHSB(normalRGB, brightness, on);

kelvin = Math.min(COLOR_TEMPERATURE_MAX_VALUE.intValue(),
Math.max(COLOR_TEMPERATURE_MIN_VALUE.intValue(), kelvin));

logger.trace("Comparing color old:{} to new:{}", lastColor, color);
if (!color.equals(lastColor)) {
logger.trace("Updating color old:{} to new:{}", lastColor, color);
updateState(CHANNEL_COLOR, color);
lastColor = color;

// avoid noise by only updating if the value has changed on the device
logger.trace("Color-Temperature Status: old: {} K {}% vs new: {} K", lastColorTempInKelvin,
newColorTempInPercent, newColorTempInKelvin);
if (newColorTempInKelvin != lastColorTempInKelvin) {
logger.trace("Color-Temperature Status: old: {} K {}% vs new: {} K", lastColorTempInKelvin,
newColorTempInPercent, newColorTempInKelvin);
updateState(CHANNEL_COLOR_TEMPERATURE_ABS, new QuantityType<>(lastColorTempInKelvin, Units.KELVIN));
updateState(CHANNEL_COLOR_TEMPERATURE, new PercentType(newColorTempInPercent));
logger.trace("Comparing color temperature old:{} to new:{}", lastKelvin, kelvin);
if (kelvin != lastKelvin) {
logger.trace("Updating color temperature old:{} to new:{}", lastKelvin, kelvin);
updateState(CHANNEL_COLOR_TEMPERATURE_ABS, QuantityType.valueOf(kelvin, Units.KELVIN));
updateState(CHANNEL_COLOR_TEMPERATURE, kelvinToPercent(kelvin));
lastKelvin = kelvin;

lastOnOff = newOnOff;
lastColor = adaptedColor;
lastBrightness = newBrightness;
* Convert PercentType to Kelvin.
private static int percentToKelvin(PercentType percent) {
return (int) Math
.round((((COLOR_TEMPERATURE_MAX_VALUE - COLOR_TEMPERATURE_MIN_VALUE) * percent.doubleValue() / 100.0)

* Convert Kelvin to PercentType.
private static PercentType kelvinToPercent(int kelvin) {
return new PercentType((int) Math.round((kelvin - COLOR_TEMPERATURE_MIN_VALUE) * 100.0
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,12 +12,8 @@
package org.openhab.binding.govee.internal;

import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.argThat;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.eq;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.spy;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.*;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,7 +131,7 @@ public void testInvalidResponseMessage() {

new ChannelUID(thing.getUID(), GoveeBindingConstants.CHANNEL_COLOR_TEMPERATURE_ABS),
getState(2000, Units.KELVIN));
getState(9000, Units.KELVIN));
} finally {
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