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2021 01 28
Chris Little edited this page Feb 4, 2021
8 revisions
14:00 UTC (07:00 MST, 09:00 EST, 14:00 GMT, 14:00 CET, 22:00 CST, Friday 01:00 AEDT)
Agree Agenda and IPR Call
Minutes/Notes of previous meeting
Current Candidate EDR API Specification
Progress of e-vote (needs quorum of 30 TC Technical Members' votes)
API coordination:
email list has moved from [email protected] to [email protected]
[Overview](https://ogcapi.ogc.org/edr/overview.html) needs improving? PR aaginst https://github.com/opengeospatial/ogcapi-environmental-data-retrieval/blob/master/ogcapi-ogc-org-edr-overview.md
e-learning resources for EDR API at https://github.com/opengeospatial/e-learning
Outstanding Issues:
Outstanding Pull Requests:
Update Documentation of Implementations on GitHub:
Next version/work discussion
OGC/Apache/OSGeo Sprint in Feb 2021
Any Other Business
Date of Next Meeting
- Chris Little
- Gobe Hobona
- Boyi Shangguan
- James Kreft
- Mark Burgoyne
- Paul Hershberg
- Shane Mill
- Steve Olson
- Tom Kraldis
- Yinyin Pan
Agenda: agreed
Previous minutes: agreed
IPR call: done
- Gobe Hobona highlighted the OGC e-learning site and asked for the SWG to generate content for EDR. Content can be changed by making a Pull Request to http://github.com/opengeospatial/e-learning
- Chris Little reported on the progress of the e-vote (needs quorum of 30 TC Technical Members' votes): 10 YES, 3 Abstain, 0 NO.
Current Candidate EDR API Specification
API coordination:
email list has moved from [email protected] to [email protected]
[Overview](https://ogcapi.ogc.org/edr/overview.html) needs improving? PR against https://github.com/opengeospatial/ogcapi-environmental-data-retrieval/blob/master/ogcapi-ogc-org-edr-overview.md
e-learning resources for EDR API at https://github.com/opengeospatial/e-learning
Outstanding Issues: Some more closed.
Outstanding Pull Requests: Already merged
Update Documentation of Implementations on GitHub:
- Chris Little will update the OGC overview and the draft to replace the sampling API text.
- Steve Olson will create a paragraph describing the standard as a convenience API which is complementary to the existing OGC standards
- Mark Burgoyne will create a section describing the capabilities responses and show how the values map to the query parameters used in the queries and update the example URL’s to include detail for each of the query patterns.
- The SWG agreed to create content for the OGC e-learning portal.
- The SWG discussed the pros and cons of CoverageJSON remaining a community standard or becoming a full OGC standard
OGC/Apache/OSGeo Sprint in Feb 2021
- Chris Little brought to OGC/Apache/OSGeo sprint to the attention of the SWG and asked members if they would like to participate.
- Gobe Hobona gave an overview of the aims of the OGC/Apache/OSGeo sprint and mentioned it would be an opportunity to work on the test suite (https://github.com/opengeospatial/ets-ogcapi-edr10/blob/master/teststatus.adoc)
- Tom Kraldis mentioned that it was also an opportunity to work on the python OWSLib
- James Kreft mentioned that he was interested in working connecting SensorThings API with EDR
Next meeting: 13:00 UTC 4/2/2021 (one hour earlier than usual)