The Coconut Go library provides access to the Coconut API for encoding videos, packaging media files into HLS and MPEG-Dash, generating thumbnails and GIF animation.
This library is only compatible with the Coconut API v2.
See the full documentation.
go get
The library needs you to set your API key which can be found in your dashboard. Webhook URL and storage settings are optional but are very convenient because you set them only once.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Initialize the Client
cli := coconut.NewClient(coconut.Client{
APIKey: os.Getenv("COCONUT_API_KEY"),
Storage: coconut.Storage{
"service": "s3",
"region": "us-east-1",
"credentials": coconut.StorageCredentials{
"access_key_id": os.Getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"),
"secret_access_key": os.Getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"),
"bucket": "mybucket",
Notification: coconut.Notification{
"type": "http",
"url": "https://yoursite/api/coconut/webhook",
// Create a job
job, err := cli.Job.Create(coconut.JobCreate{
Input: coconut.InputCreate{
"url": "https://mysite/path/file.mp4",
Outputs: coconut.OutputCreate{
"jpg:300x": coconut.OutputParams{
"path": "/image.jpg",
"mp4:1080p": coconut.OutputParams{
"path": "/1080p.mp4",
"httpstream": coconut.OutputParams{
"hls": coconut.OutputParams{
"path": "hls/",
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%# v", err)
} else {
fmt.Printf("%# v", job)
cli.Region = "eu-west-1"
job, err := cli.Job.Create(coconut.JobCreate{
Settings: coconut.Settings{
"ultrafast": true
Input: coconut.InputCreate{
"url": "https://mysite/path/file.mp4",
Outputs: coconut.OutputCreate{
"mp4:2160p": coconut.OutputParams{
"path": "/4k.mp4",
job := cli.Job.Retrieve("TsySPignC2xhOK")
for i, o := range job.Outputs {
if o.Type == "video" {
fmt.Printf("%d) Video: %# v\n\n", i, o.GetVideoURL())
} else if o.Type == "image" {
fmt.Printf("%d) Image: %# v\n\n", i, o.GetImageURLs())
} else if o.Type == "httpstream" {
fmt.Printf("%d) HTTPStream: %# v\n\n", i, o.GetHTTPStreamURLs())
Released under the MIT license.