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✨ Publish NuGet

GitHub action to build, pack & publish nuget packages automatically when a project version is updated


Create new .github/workflows/publish.yml file:

name: publish to nuget
      - master # Default release branch
    name: build, pack & publish
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2

      # - name: Setup dotnet
      #   uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v1
      #   with:
      #     dotnet-version: 6.0.0

      # Publish
      - name: Build Projects and Publish on Version Change
        id: publish_nuget_xx
        uses: niubilitytools/[email protected]
          # Filepath of the project to be packaged, relative to root of repository
          PROJECT_FILE_PATH: Core/Core.csproj

          # NuGet package id, used for version detection & defaults to project name
          # PACKAGE_NAME: Core

          # Useful with external providers like Nerdbank.GitVersioning, ignores
          # VERSION_STATIC: 1.0.0

          # Filepath with version info, relative to root of repository &
          #     defaults to `PROJECT_FILE_PATH`
          # VERSION_FILE_PATH: Directory.Build.props

          # Regex pattern to extract version info in a capturing group
          # VERSION_REGEX: ^\s*<Version>(.*)<\/Version>\s*$

          # Flag to toggle git tagging, enabled by default
          # TAG_COMMIT: true

          # Format of the git tag, [*] gets replaced with actual version
          # TAG_FORMAT: v*

          # API key to authenticate with NuGet server
          NUGET_KEY: ${{secrets.NUGET_API_KEY}}

          #  NuGet server uri hosting the packages, defaults to
          # NUGET_SOURCE:

          # Flag to toggle pushing symbols along with nuget package to the server,
          #     disabled by default
          # INCLUDE_SYMBOLS: false

          # Flag to set continue the next task when some error happened
          # INCLUDE_SYMBOLS: false
          # Certificate file name (should be in root folder) to sign the package before upload
          # SIGNING_CERT_FILE_NAME: Core.cer
  • Project gets published only if there's a NUGET_KEY configured in the repository


Input Default Value Description
PROJECT_FILE_PATH Filepath of the project to be packaged, relative to root of repository
PACKAGE_NAME NuGet package id, used for version detection & defaults to project name
VERSION_STATIC Useful with external providers like Nerdbank.GitVersioning, ignores VERSION_FILE_PATH & VERSION_REGEX
VERSION_FILE_PATH [PROJECT_FILE_PATH] Filepath with version info, relative to root of repository & defaults to PROJECT_FILE_PATH
VERSION_REGEX ^\s*<Version>(.*)<\/Version>\s*$ Regex pattern to extract version info in a capturing group
TAG_COMMIT true Flag to toggle git tagging, enabled by default
TAG_FORMAT v* Format of the git tag, [*] gets replaced with actual version
NUGET_KEY API key to authenticate with NuGet server
NUGET_SOURCE NuGet server uri hosting the packages, defaults to
INCLUDE_SYMBOLS false Flag to toggle pushing symbols along with nuget package to the server, disabled by default
INCLUDE_SYMBOLS false Flag to set continue the next task when some error happened
SIGNING_CERT_FILE_NAME Certificate file name (should be in root folder) to sign the package before upload
  • NUGET_SOURCE must support /v3-flatcontainer/PACKAGE_NAME/index.json for version change detection to work
  • Multiple projects can make use of steps to configure each project individually, common inputs between steps can be given as env for job / workflow


Output Description
version Version of the associated git tag
PACKAGE_NAME Name of the NuGet package generated
package-path Path to the generated NuGet package
symbols-PACKAGE_NAME Name of the symbols package generated
symbols-package-path Path to the generated symbols package


  • Outputs may or may not be set depending on the action inputs or if the action failed




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