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Android OneLogin Open ID Connect Library

This library is a kotlin wrapper for the AppAuth code to communicate with OneLogin as an OpenID Connect provider. It supports Auth Code Flow + PKCE which is recommended for native apps. It also adds features specific to the OneLogin Provider as revoking and introspecting tokens.

To get more info about how to configure an app for OIDC visit the Overview of OpenID Connect page.

Table of Contents


To install the library add the following dependency to the build.gradle file of your module:



Before you can use OLOidc you need to configure an OneLogin application and provide some configuration parameters about your app to the framework.

Configure a OneLogin application

Please visit the Connect an OIDC enabled app page for instructions on how to configure your OneLogin app.

Library Configuration

In order to use the OIDC client the library should be initialized first, this would normally happen on the onCreate() method of the application.

The first step is to create an OIDCConfiguration instance using the builder:

    .loginHint("[email protected]")

The supported parameters of the configuration are:

Parameter Description Required
clientId The Client ID of your OneLogin Application Required
issuer OIDC Issuer Url of your OneLogin Organization i.e. Required
redirectUrl Redirect Url specified in the OneLogin Application Required
scopes List of scopes of the authorization token, it should include openid Required
loginHint A string hint to the Authorization Server about the login identifier the End-User might use to log in Optional
isDebug Specifies if the instance of the library should be initialized in debug mode, which will log additional information Optional

This initialization only needs to occur one time, and after this an instance of the OIDCClient can be get by Calling OneLoginOIDC.getClient() this client is a singleton that can be used to perform any of the supported OIDCClient operations.

Authorization Redirect

In order to receive the authorization redirect in the OIDC flow, the redirect scheme should be specified in build.gradle by adding the following lines:

android {
    defaultConfing {
        manifestPlaceholders = [
                "appAuthRedirectScheme": "com.example" // Replace  `com.example` with the scheme specified in your OneLogin App Configuration

Once added, the library should be able to receive the authorization redirect and use the result to proceed with the flow.

API Overview

The OIDCClient contains the methods which can be used to perform the supported OIDC operations.


The Callback interface will be used to provide the results for most of the operations, this interface has two methods that should be overridden to process the results:

  • onSuccess(T: Success) This method will be called when the operation completes successfully and will contain the relevant information of the result.

  • onError(T: Error) This method will be called when there is an error on the operation and will return an Throwable with the information related to the error.


The signing operation will initialize the authorization flow, by launching a browser to let the user authenticate and exchanging the authentication code for a set of tokens that can be used to perform Authorized requests.

An Activity extending AppCompatActivity or FragmentActivity is required in order to receive the result of the


val oidcClient = OneLoginOIDC.getClient()

oidcClient.signIn(activity, object : Callback<SignInSuccess, SignInError> {
    override fun onSuccess(success: SignInSuccess) {
       // The user has been authenticated successfully, the `success` param will contain the `SessionInfo` with the tokens ready to be used

    override fun onError(loginError: SignInError) {
        // An error has occurred during the authentication process


Use this method to invalidate the current authorization token.

val oidcClient = OneLoginOIDC.getClient()

oidcClient.revokeToken(object : Callback<RevokeSuccess, RevokeError> {
    override fun onSuccess(success: RevokeSuccess) {
        // The user token has been revoked correctly

    override fun onError(error: RevokeError) {
        // An error occurred during the revocation process


Use this method in order to trigger a token refresh manually, you can first use getSessionInfo() in order to verify if the token still valid.

val oidcClient = OneLoginOIDC.getClient()

oidcClient.refreshToken(object : Callback<RefreshSuccess, RefreshError> {

override fun onSuccess(success: RefreshSuccess) {
        // The token has been successfully refreshed, the `success` param will contain the `SessionInfo` with the tokens ready to be used

    override fun onError(error: RefreshError) {
        // An error occurred while refreshing the token


Retrieves the latest SessionInfo object which contains the latest tokens and it's expiration time, the information of this object can be used to decide if
in necessary to refresh the token, or use the contained tokens in order to authorize a request.

val oidcClient = OneLoginOIDC.getClient()
val sessionInfo = oidcClient.getSessionInfo()

val isAuthorized = sessionInfo.authorized // Use to verify if there is an active user session
val accessToken = sessionInfo.accessToken // Use to retrieve the latest access token to authorize a request 
val expirationTime = sessionInfo.expirationTime // Use to verify if the contained accessToken still valid 


Obtains the information of the current user, for more information check Get User Info OneLogin Documentation page.

val oidcClient = OneLoginOIDC.getClient()
oidcClient.getUserInfo(object : Callback<UserInfo, UserInfoError> {
    override fun onSuccess(success: UserInfo) {
        // User info has been retrieved correction success contains the current user information

    override fun onError(error: UserInfoError) {
        There was an error trying to retrieve the current user information 


Cancels all pending operations and releases the callbacks, use this method in order to avoid memory leaks

val oidcClient = OneLoginOIDC.getClient()

Running Demo Apps

In order to run the demo app add the following lines to your

issuer="" // issuer url for your organization
client_id="Client ID" // Client ID of your OneLogin OIDC application 
redirect_url="com.example://" // Redirect url specified on your OIDC application
redirect_scheme=com.onelogin // Scheme of the redirect url specified on your OIDC application