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SVAP Test Updates

Stephen MacVicar edited this page Oct 6, 2022 · 1 revision

US Core 4.0.0

  • Single Patient and Multi-Patient API tests now validate against US Core 4.0.0 profiles.
  • Tests 9.10.11 and 9.10.12, Attestations for Patient Demographics Suffix and Previous Name USCDI v1 elements were removed. These elements are now checked in an automated fashion in the Patient Must Support test.
  • New test groups for BMI and Head Circumference were added to the Single Patient API tests.
  • Multi-Patient API Observation tests now check for the presence of BMI and Head Circumference resources.

US Core 5.0.1

  • Single Patient and Multi-Patient API tests now validate against US Core 5.0.1 profiles.
  • Standalone and EHR Launch groups now check that scopes have been granted to access ServiceRequest resources, and allow QuestionnaireResponse scopes to be granted.
  • Encounter and ServiceRequest were added to the list of required resources in the Unrestricted Resource Type Access group.
  • Encounter and ServiceRequest were added to the list of resources checked in the Limited Access App group.
  • The SMART context-ehr-encounter capability is now required for EHR Practitioner App.
  • New test to retrieve the in-context Encounter added to the EHR Practitioner App tests.
  • Tests 9.10.11 and 9.10.12, Attestations for Patient Demographics Suffix and Previous Name USCDI v1 elements are removed. These elements are now checked in an automated fashion in the Patient Must Support test.
  • Single Patient API Condition tests replaced with Condition Encounter Diagnosis and Condition Problems and Health Concerns Tests.
  • Single Patient API tests for the following Observation profiles were added: Head Circumference, BMI, Clinical Test Result, Sexual Orientation, Social History, Imaging Result, and SDOH Assessment.
  • Test groups for ServiceRequest, RelatedPerson, QuestionnaireResponse, and PractitionerRole were added to Multi-Patient API test group.
  • Multi-Patient API Condition tests now check for the the presence of Encounter Diagnosis, and Problems and Health Concerns resources.
  • Multi-Patient API Observation tests now check for the presence of Head Circumference, BMI, Clinical Test Result, Sexual Orientation, Social History, and SDOH Assessment profiles.

SMART App Launch 2.0.0

  • The SMART on FHIR Discovery Group no longer checks the server's CapabilityStatement.
  • The following fields are now required to be present in the server's well-known configuration: issuer, jwks_uri, grant_types_supported, code_challenge_methods_supported.
  • All SMART launches are required to use PKCE with the S256 code challenge method.
  • The Patient Standalone App and EHR Practitioner App groups now require that v2-style scopes are used.
  • The Patient Standalone App and EHR Practitioner App groups now require servers to support the authorize-post, permission-v1, and permission-v2 capabilities.
  • The EHR Practitioner App launch uses HTTP POST to test the authorize-post capability.

Bulk Data 2.0.0

  • Added a test to check that the server supports the _outputFormat parameter.
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