This project is an open-source, prototype toolkit for sustainable urban design. Go check out our website.
Below, you can see a user-interface mockup showing the main components of the toolkit.
Our team would love for people to help out in anyway they can, right now we're looking for translators and anyone willing to help out.
If you dont have the latest version of python then do download it from here
If you wish to keep the project's python environment separate from your global environment, you should create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
Use pip to install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd sustainable_urban_design_space
Before you can run the project, you will need to set up the database by running the migrations:
./ migrate
Move into the Project Folder:
cd sustainable_urban_design_space
Create a new super user account:
python createsuperuser
Username: *your username*
Email address: *your email*
Password: *your password*
Password (again): *your password*
It may warn you if you use a password that is similar to your user name, or if it's too short or too common. You can bypass this warning by typing Y
and then Enter. It doesn't matter in a development environment, but be sure to use secure credentials when deploying in production.
You can run the server with
python runserver
The server will now tell you that it's running on
You can connect to the admin interface at with your newly created superuser account.
- See
Thanks goes to these awesome people (emoji key):
Max Thakur 🌍 💻 👀 📖 🤔 🚧 |
Nowserep 🌍 |
Brylie Christopher Oxley 💻 📆 🐛 📖 🤔 👀 |
Pierre Grimaud 📖 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!