With this project, middle and high school students are taught to draw mathematical figures using Python Turtle Module.
- Turtle Lib.
- Random Lib.
Values that can be specified from a line of code:
- table_size: Sets the grid size
- score: Score Board Value
- xVals: X-Axis values (by px)
- yVals: Y-Axis values (by px)
- turtleList: Turtle List Objects
- timerVal: Timer speed (by miliseconds)
- countDown: Total timing value
- gameOver: End of game sets (by logical value)
HOW TO PLAY THE GAME? The parameter values of the game are set and run. When the game screen opens, the screen will periodically display different to click on turtle symbols that appear and disappear in areas work. For each successful click, the Score value is increased by 1. When the countdown time is over, the score value written in the will give you the number of turtles that you can click on in some way.
The parameter values of the game are set and run.
Good Luck..