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MQTT client to control remotly a kiosk display like FullPageOS


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FullPageOS MQTT client

Purpose of this project

FullPageOS is a Raspberry PI OS to support touch displays in full screen mode for kiosk applications to control your smart home. This MQTT client is extending the FullPageOS with a MQTT client to allows the control of the Display from remote. That means your smart home system can set:

  • The brighness and backlight status of the Kioskdisplay
  • Set and change panel content with remote commands
  • Reboot and Shutown the Kioskdisplay
  • Read status like CPU temparature, CPU load,....

Home Assistant discovery can be activated for all MQTT the topics.

The configuration is done over an ini file and allows you to adapt the commands to your needs. As default it is configured for an official Raspberry PI 7 inch Touch Display 2. How to setup this display with FullPageOS you can read here: Installation and config of FullPageOS

Implementation notes

The project in implemented and tested with Python 3.11 and runs as systemd service for standard user pi in FullPageOS.

The implementaion is using the folling python libraries, which need to be installed:

  • paho-mqtt to implement the mqtt client
  • gpiozero to read system status values
  • validators to validate the semantical correctness of the configured web page URLs

Optional to control the mouse and send keyboard commands:

All this libraries are installed with the shell script, which is part of this project. See next section Installation

All the other used python libraries are standard in latest Raspbery PI OS and should be available without installation.

Preparation of chrome in FullPageOS

In the latest version the mqtt display client is opening and closing tabs in chrome by using the Chrome DevTools API. For this you need to add one additional option when chrome is started. FullPageOS is using a script to start chrome during startup in kiosk mode. Open this script with an editor:

sudo nano /opt/custompios/scripts/start_chromium_browser

At the beginning of the script you find the list of flags:


Add here at the end the flag to activate the chrome debugging port


Reboot your system! After that chrome is listening on port 9222 for chrome devtools protocol.


Precondition: FullPageOS is installed on your Raspberry PI and up and running.

Step 1:

Login with ssh to your kioskdisplay with user pi

Step 2:

Clone this project with:

git clone

and go inside the project directory:

cd mqttDisplayClient

Step 3:

Call setup:


As an alternative you can add optional features during with the call:

bash -f pyautogui -f backlight -fhaDiscover

This installs the required python packages and configures a systemd service which is atomatically running the mqtt client after startup. The systemd service is started with the current user rights.

Step 4:

Configure the ini file for your personal needs:

nano mqttDisplayClient.ini 

Details of the configuration you can find in next section: Configuration

In case of problems:

If you have issues with your configuration and the service is not running as expected you can stop the service with:

sudo systemctl stop mqttDisplayClient

Adapt the ini file in section [logging] and enable DEBUG logging level. Than activate the virtual python environment and start the service by hand:

source venv/bin/activate

Check the logging output. After everything is fixed, set the logging level back to ERROR, deactivate the virtual environment and start the systemd service again with:

sudo systemctl start mqttDisplayClient


In the project directory you find the configuration mqtt-display-client.ini. Adapt this file with an editor like nano:

nano mqttDisplayClient.ini

The file has different sections. Most of the configuration you can keep untouched. The only thing which you need to adapt to your specific environment are:

  • Address of your mqtt broker in section [global]
  • Username and password of your mqtt broker, if needed. In section [global]
  • ID of your display in section [global]

This configuration you find in the first section of the ini file: [global]. You can also setup some url shortcuts in the [panels] section. This makes it afterwards easier to open a webpage via a mqtt command in your kioskdisplay.

Section [global]

This is the main configuration section. This is the only section where you need to adapt somthing to your environment.

  • broker= Set here your mqtt broker address. Apapt the ip address or use url like myLocalMQTTBroker.local
  • port= You can keep the standard port 1883 if you do not have a special setup
  • username= Set here your user name for the broker. Keep it empty if no username is configured
  • password= Password of your mqtt broker
  • topicRoot= configuration of the root path of the published topics
  • deviceName= Unique name of this device
  • displayID= Display id of your display in file system. Check with ls /sys/class/backlight
  • reconnectDelay= Retry delay in seconds if connection is lost to broker
  • publishDelay= Publish cycle in seconds for topics
  • fullPublishCycle= Publish cycle even if topic content is not changed. Cycle is fullPublishCycle multiplied with publishCycle in seconds
  • defaultUrl= Path to FullPageOS config file for default URL after startup

Section [logging]

Configuration of the python logger which is used to log events

  • level= configuration of the logging level (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL)
  • path=" path to the log files
  • file=" filename of the log file. If empty, logging in files is disabled
  • chromeTopc= With True can be a special logging topic be enabled which shows the chrome tabs, which are curently open

Section [feature]

Section to enable and diable additional features

  • pyautogui= enables or disables autogui feature to control the GUI remotly (possible values: enabled or disabled)
  • backlight= enables or disables feature to control brightness and backlight ON/OFF state remotly (possible values: enabled or disabled). Default configuraion in the ini file is for Raspberry PI Touch Panel 2.
  • haDiscover= enables or disables Home Assistant auto discover feature (possible values: enabled or disabled). Thanks to that you can automatically see new entity for you kiosk instance in MQTT integration.

Section [brightness]

This section configure the shell commands which are needed to read and set the display brightness. By default the section is configured for an original raspberry pi 7 inch touch display 2. Even if you use this display you may need to adapt the display ID in the commands. You can find your local ID with:

  • min= minumum brightness value of your display
  • max= maximum brightness value of your display

This values are used to calculate the brighness from 0% to 100% in the MQTT topics.

  • set= shell command to set the display brightness. String '{value}' and '{displayID}' will be replaced by configured values
  • get= shell command to read the display brightness. String '{displayID}' will be replaced by the configured value

Section [backlight]

This section configure the shell commands which are needed to switch the display backlight on and off. By default the section is configured for an original raspberry pi 7 inch touch display 2. Even if you use this display you may need to adapt the display ID in the commands. You can find your local ID with:

  • ON= on value
  • OFF= off value

This values are used to calculate the brighness from 0% to 100% in the MQTT topics.

  • set= shell command to set the backlight on or off. String '{value}' and '{displayID}' will be replaced by configured values
  • get= shell command to read the display backlight status. String '{displayID}' will be replaced by the configured value

Section [chrome]

This section configures the control of chrome tabs ov the Chrome DevTools API.

  • port= Normally you don't need to adapt this port. See Chrome preparation.
  • pageTimeout= After this amount of seconds, is a chrome tab closed, when it was not in focus during that time. (0 keeps the tabs open)
  • reloadTimeout= After this amount of seconds, is the chrome tab which is in focus, reloaded (0 dispbales reload)

Section [panels]

All entries in this section are website shortcuts which you can use to open a webpage in your kioskdisplay with the mptt command topic url Format is:

panelName=full qualified url|optional autogui command list separated by semicolon



The panel names are not case sensitive in mqtt commands. The following panel names are reserved for internal usage: DEFAULT, BLANK, URL (see panel topic)

Important Remark: When a url is opened in chrome, chrome may chnage the url while loading. Check the final url in a chrome browser or in the and put it here. This ensures, that open chrome tabs can be assigned to the panel names! You can verify this also against the content of the in the url topic

Section [shellCommands]

In this section are the systen shell commands configured which you can call with the mqtt command topic. By default a command to reboot and a command to shutdown the system is configured. You can add more commands, if needed. The syntax is:

keyword=put your shell command


reboot=sudo reboot

The keyword REBOOT is later used to call the command over mqtt with command topic system/set. The keywords are not case sensitive in mqtt commands.

Section [haDiscover]

This section configures the home assistant auto dicovery topics

  • deviceName= name of this display device in the discovery topics
  • base= root name of all discovery topics. Keep this to homeasstant. This is default configuration of home assistant

Exposed MQTT topics and usage

The MQTT client is exposing the following topics:

brigtness (numeric)

The current brightness of the display is exposed with the topic brightness kiosk/01/display/brightness. The value is a percentage value from 0 to 100. A new brigtness value can be set over the command topic kiosk/01/display/brightness/set

backlight (switch)

The expose the status if the backlight is swithed on or off: kiosk/01/*deviceName*//backlight. The backlight can be switched on/off over the command topic kiosk/01/display/brightness/set. Payload is ON or OFF.

system (string)

The system topic is exposing an json string with some system information. It has the following content:

  • {'cpu_temp': X}: X is the CPU temperature in celsius
  • {'cpu_load': X}: X is the average CPU load in percent
  • {'disk_usage': X}: X is the current disc usage in percent
  • {'default_url': 'url'}: 'url' is the default url after startup which is configured for FullPageOS

shell (string)

The shell topic is a command topic. Over kiosk/01/display/shell/set it is possible to call shell commands which are configured in the ini file in section [shellCommands]. Payload is the configured keyword for each command. By default are the keywords REBOOT and SHUTDOWNsupported

The topic kiosk/01/display/shell exposes a prompt '>_' when no command is executed. While the command is executed it exposes the keyword of the command

url (string)

The url topic kiosk/01/display/url exposes the url of the website which is currently shown in the display. With the command topic kiosk/01/display/url/set can an individual URL set. The panel name will automatically switch to Url! (see next section):

  • url: Any valid full qualified url including http:// or https://. If the URL is not fully qualified the command is ignored. For pages in your local network use the ip address or mypage.local as address!

panel (string)

The panel topic kiosk/01/display/panel exposes the panel name of the website which is currently shown in the display. With the command topic kiosk/01/display/panel/set the panel can be changed. The payload can have the following content:

  • DEFAULT: Set the panel back to the FullPageOS default page
  • URL: Shows the url in the display which was previously set over the url command topic (previous section).
  • BLANK: Shows a blank page. For example: Can be used if display backlight is switched off
  • panelName: Set the website to the URL which is configured for this panelName in the ini file section [panels].

Remark: When you set an new panel the mqttDisplayClient the open chrome tabs. If one the configured url exits, this tab is put in front. If no tab with the configured url esxist an new tab is opened. You can control the life time of tabs in the Chrome section

Feature pyautogui

The autogui feature allows the control of the website which is shown in the dsiplay over mouse and keyboard commmands. The feature can be enabled in the [feature] section. The feature uses the pyautogui project to send mouse or keyboard commmands over mqtt to the diplay

Exposed MQTT topics and usage

The MQTT client is exposing the following topics when the feature pyautogui is enabled:

autogui (numeric)

This topic kiosk/01/display/autogui shows the last result of an autogui command string. If everything worked fine 'OK' is exposed. In case of an error, the error message is exposed. A list of autogui commands seperated by semicolon can be send over the command topic kiosk/01/display/autogui/set The following command can be send:

  • click(x,y) Performs a left mouse click on x,y postition
  • clickright(x,y) Performs a right mouse click on x,y position
  • clickmiddle(x,y) Performs a middle mouse click on x,y position
  • click() Performs a left mouse click on current postition
  • clickright() Performs a right mouse click on current postition
  • clickmiddle() Performs a middle mouse click on current postition
  • mousedown() press left mouse botton on current postition
  • mousedownright() press right mouse botton on current postition
  • mousedownmiddle() press middle mouse botton on current postition
  • mouseup() release left mouse botton on current postition
  • mouseupight() release right mouse botton on current postition
  • mouseupmiddle() release middle mouse botton on current postition
  • moveto(x,y) moves mouse coursor to x,y position
  • move(x,y) moves mouse relative by x,y position
  • dragto(x,y) drag mouse pressing left button to x,y position
  • dragtoright(x,y) drag mouse pressing right button to x,y position
  • dragtomiddle(x,y) drag mouse pressing middle button to x,y position
  • scroll(x) scroll screen vertical by x
  • scrollh(x) scroll screen horizontal by x
  • wait(x) wait x milliseconds
  • write('...') write the given string (like typed over keyboard).
  • press(XXX) Press the given key
  • keydown(XXX) Hold the given key down

system (string)

The system topic is exposing an json string. autogui feature adds the following data:

  • {'mouse_postion': [x,y]}: current x,y postition of the mouse cursor
  • {'display_size': [width,hight]}: wutdth and hight of the used display


MQTT client to control remotly a kiosk display like FullPageOS







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