Dockerized skeleton based on expressjs framework, with mongo support
This repo contains .env
file which should be definetely added to .gitignore
, but in this case it is just an example. Be sure to add this file to your ignore!
This is a Node.js skeleton.
First of all follow this guide for docker && docker-compose installation. Be sure to have latest versions installed.
To run server and mongodb in containers:
docker-compose build && docker-compose up
Locally with npm (be sure to have installed & running Mongo service and NodeJS):
npm install
npm test
Run tests in Docker:
npm run test:docker
- bluebird: Full featured Promises/A+ implementation with exceptionally good performance
- body-parser: Node.js body parsing middleware
- cors: Node.js CORS middleware
- express: Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework
- mongoose: Mongoose MongoDB ODM
- qs: A querystring parser that supports nesting and arrays, with a depth limit
- bunyan: a JSON logging library for node.js services
- danger: Unit tests for Team Culture
- eslint: An AST-based pattern checker for JavaScript.
- eslint-config-sexy: Mostly sexy config
- generate-changelog: Generate a changelog from git commits.
- mocha: simple, flexible, fun test framework
- should: test framework agnostic BDD-style assertions
- supertest: SuperAgent driven library for testing HTTP servers
See the contribute file!
MIT © Oleg Koval 2018