Online scrum/agile application with javascript scrumboard.
Copy app/config/parameters.yml.dist to app/config/parameters.yml
Create an empty database
Update parameters.yml with your database config
From the root folder run "php bin/composer.phar install" to pull in all deps
Then run "php app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate"
Then run "php app/console assets:install --symlink web" to symlink the css and js for all bundles into the web folder
Set up a vhost if ncessary
Install nodejs (Fedora version here
In the root folder of the app run "npm install"
To start the socket server run "nodejs node-server/server.js"
Optionally install supervisord to keep the server running and add this to /etc/supervisord.conf
command=/usr/bin/nodejs /home/wcrouch/web/scrum-board/node-server/server.js #Update with your apps location
user=apache #The user you want to run it as