A simple JWT middleware for Phalcon Micro to handle stateless authentication.
composer require dmkit/phalcon-jwt-auth
or in your composer.json
"require": {
"dmkit/phalcon-jwt-auth" : "dev-master"
then run
composer update
in config.ini or in any config file
; JWT Secret Key
secretKey = 923753F2317FC1EE5B52DF23951B
; JWT default Payload
;; expiry time in minutes
payload[exp] = 1440
payload[iss] = phalcon-jwt-auth
; Micro Applications do not have a controller or dispatcher
; so to know the resource being called we have to check the actual URL.
; If you want to disable the middleware on certain routes or resource:
;; index
ignoreUri[] = /
;; regex pattern with http methods
ignoreUri[] = regex:/application/
ignoreUri[] = regex:/users/:POST,PUT
;; literal strings
ignoreUri[] = /auth/user:POST,PUT
ignoreUri[] = /auth/application
in bootstrap or index file
use Phalcon\Mvc\Micro;
use Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Ini as ConfigIni;
use Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault;
use Dmkit\Phalcon\Auth\Middleware\Micro as AuthMicro;
// set default services
$di = new FactoryDefault();
* You must set "config" service that will load the configuration file.
$config = new ConfigIni( APP_PATH . "app/config/config.ini");
function () use($config) {
return $config;
$app = new Micro($di);
$auth = new AuthMicro($app);
in bootstrap or index file
use Phalcon\Mvc\Micro;
use Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Ini as ConfigIni;
use Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault;
use Dmkit\Phalcon\Auth\Middleware\Micro as AuthMicro;
// set default services
$di = new FactoryDefault();
$app = new Micro($di);
$authConfig = [
'secretKey' => '923753F2317FC1EE5B52DF23951B1',
'payload' => [
'exp' => 1440,
'iss' => 'phalcon-jwt-auth'
'ignoreUri' => [
$auth = new AuthMicro($app, $authConfig);
To make authenticated requests via http, you will need to set an authorization headers as follows:
Authorization: Bearer {yourtokenhere}
or pass the token as a query string
By default if the authentication fails, the middleware will stop the execution of routes and will immediately return a response of 401 Unauthorized. If you want to add your own handler:
$auth->onUnauthorized(function($authMicro, $app) {
$response = $app["response"];
$response->setStatusCode(401, 'Unauthorized');
// to get the error messages
// return false to stop the execution
return false;
If you want an additional checking on the authentication, like intentionally expiring a token based on the payload issued date, you may do so:
$auth->onCheck(function($auth) {
// to get the payload
$data = $auth->data();
if($data['iat'] <= strtotime('-1 day')) ) {
// return false to invalidate the authentication
return false;
You can access the middleware by calling the "auth" service.
print_r( $app['auth']->data() );
print_r( $app->getDI()->get('auth')->data('email') );
// in your contoller
print_r( $this->auth->data() );
If you want to change the service name:
AuthMicro::$diName = 'jwtAuth';
In your controller or route handler
$payload = [
'sub' => $user->id,
'email' => $user->email,
'username' => $user->username,
'role' => 'admin',
'iat' => time(),
$token = $this->auth->make($payload);
In your controller or route handler
echo $this->auth->id(); // will look for sub or id payload
echo $this->auth->data(); // return all payload
echo $this->auth->data('email');
If you want to add your own middleware or play around:
Dmkit\Phalcon\Auth\Auth.php and its adapters - does all the authentication
Dmkit\Phalcon\Auth\TokenGetter\TokenGetter.php and its adapters - does the parsing or getting of token
Phalcon JWT Auth uses the Firebase JWT library. To learn more about it and JSON Web Tokens in general, visit: https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt https://jwt.io/introduction/