This is a repository prepared for ReproRehab2023 POD1 learners.
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POD1 focused on learning how to use MATLAB for your research. Here's a list of materials presented and discussed over the 7 weeks. All materials are in the folders of this repository as well.
- What is 'metadata'?
- How can one prepare metadata? (ft. JSON)
- Git/GitHub: a tool for reproducibility
activity : generate a JSON file using a MATLAB script, upload the file to a forked repo, and make a pull request to the upstream.
- Different ways to collaborate using Git/GitHub (forking, branching, inviting collaborators)
- GitHub Desktop: how to push commits from a local machine
activity : push commits from local machines using GitHub Desktop, create a new branch in a repository and merge the new branch with the main.
- What is FAIR (data) principles? (video: 'Unit3: Introduction to FAIR Data' of ReproRehab)
- Data types of MATLAB: numeric, character/string, categorical, table
activity : Run a MATLAB script, understand what lines of code mean, and modify several lines as requested.
All work pushed to the upstream repository. (MATLAB script used: S1_Simulate_Adaptation_Data.m prepared by Dr. James Finley)
- Understanding different data types more:
- Different functions/features to work with table arrays (ex. varfun, rowfun, function handle)
- Memory preallocation: a demo on its usefulness
- format specifier: what is it, and how to use it
activity : transform a csv output of Vicon Motion Capture System to have organized column names of a table. The activity highlighted...
using detectImportOptions
to read csv files in MATLAB effectively
accessing and modifying a table's variable names using table Properties
using cellfun
with function handles to apply changes to multiple items of a cell array
writing a for-loop to run an iterative job.
- Learning how to visualize data in MATLAB
- Configuring plots by setting parameters in advance
activity : modify a MATLAB script to add simulated data and plot the simulated data
extra_activity : complete another MATLAB script to read files in different folders, compile them to one struct
and save it
(MATLAB script used: CompileJoingAngleData.m prepared by Dr. James Finley)
(DATASET used:
- Learning how to calculate group statistics, run one-way ANOVA, repeated-measures ANOVA and fit a linear mixed model to data
- Learning how to visulize analysis results (ex. using * to indicate significant difference)
activity : complete a MATLAB script to read multiple csv files, run repeated measures ANOVA, and plot the results
- Learning how to write custom functions to perform a task
- Understanding the mechanism of inputParser
activity : complete a MATLAB function script to pass test cases; the activity also introduced different tips discussed in the previous weeks.
This tutorial is prepared using MATLAB's Live Scripts (.mlx). Subtopics are:
- Global variables: what are they and how are they used
- Workspaces: what are they and how to work with different workspaces
- Different types of functions: nested, anonymous, & local
- Ways to handle errors
All questions related to each week's content or activity will be directed to Devin Austin ([email protected]) or Jinseok Oh ([email protected])