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Releases: ogri-la/strongbox


23 Apr 13:22
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  • added support for Cataclysm Classic.


  • dependencies bumped to latest versions.
  • game track priority when 'strict' is off now has a proper and consistent strategy.


  • bumps Clojure from 1.10 to 1.11.2 to fix CVE-2024-22871
  • an Arch Linux AUR bug introduced with pacman 6.1 that stripped the binary down to nothing.
    • thanks to @nickromanooo for reporting the bug and tracking down the pacman issue.


24 Dec 05:22
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  • x-website Github URLs in .toc files are now treated as a Github source that an addon can be switched to.
    • when both x-github and Github x-website sources exist, x-github takes priority.


  • moved AppImage building to ogri-la/strongbox-appimage.
  • consolidated all the .sh into a single script.
    • moved to as command 'lint'.
    • moved to as command 'test'.
    • moved to as command 'update-test-fixtures'.
    • moved to ogri-la/strongbox-appimage as


  • fixed bug preventing classic Wrath .toc from being detected and loaded.
  • fixed bug in catalogue location spec where a value that should have been validating as a URL was not.
  • removed x-tukui-id source detection in .toc files. Tukui no longer hosts addons so these can't be used.
    • overlooked, should have been part of 7.0.0 major version.


  • removed as it had been unused for several years.


26 Nov 11:13
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  • added checkbox to bottom of search tab that will toggle search results sampling when search results are unfiltered.
    • this lets you browse a catalogue page by page.
  • added patch tooltips for Dragonflight 10.1 and 10.2
  • added support for the NO_COLOR environment variable.
    • it turns off coloured output in the console if that is where you launched strongbox from.
  • added new command line action print-config that prints the final config and exits.
    • usage: ./strongbox --action print-config
  • added new information captured from the environment when using --debug or --action print-config.
    • state.paths.config-dir, path to where Strongbox is storing the application config.
    •, path to where Strongbox is storing the application data.
    • flatpak-id, looks like la.ogri.strongbox when running within a Flatpak.
  • added plain-text and JSON views of the raw addon data to the 'raw data' widget on the addon detail tab.
    • it's pretty basic but JavaFX really resists being able to select text within it's widgets.
  • added new preference 'check for update' that toggles checking for an update to Strongbox on startup (default is true).
  • added new command line flag --update-check and it's complement --no-update-check that toggles update checks.
  • added Flatpak distribution hosted by Flathub


  • bumped JavaFX dependencies from 17.x to 19.x.
  • removed the fixed widths on the 'updated' and 'downloads' columns in the search pane.
    • attempting to control column widths in a JavaFX table is futile.
  • some info level logging has been dropped to debug to reduce console noise.


  • tag buttons in search pane are now centred vertically.
  • selecting hosts in search pane no longer samples results.
  • 'interface version' was being treated as an integer and being localised in the raw data widget.


11 Jun 01:55
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  • added 'stats' that serves to centralise a bunch of numbers used internally that might be interesting to the user.
    • see the more stats button in the bottom left corner.
  • Github rate limit information is now fetched as part of the stats.
  • manually refreshing the user catalogue will now switch to the log pane before doing so.
    • the intent is to show that something is happening.
    • see: Catalogue -> Refresh user catalogue
  • new (opt-in) preference to automaticaly refresh the user-catalogue every 28 days.
    • the user-catalogue are addons added to strongbox using File -> Import addon or by 'starring' a regular addon.
    • see: Preferences -> Keep user catalogue updated.
  • added a "clear" button to the addons search that removes all search filters, including search terms.
  • added new column for installed addons "starred" that will add an installed addon to the 'user-catalogue'.
    • star button disabled when addon is being ignored or isn't matched against the catalogue.
  • new column for installed addons "size" with the total size of the addon on disk, including any grouped addons.
    • see: View -> Columns -> size
  • user.clj, where the REPL will take you by default during development.
    • this lets me separate some development dependencies and logic from what is released.


  • the main window is now always split with the bottom pane hidden by default.
    • if can be dragged open or toggled open by either of the two status bar buttons.
  • clicking the status bar buttons to open the bottom pane is now much quicker.
  • refreshing the user-catalogue now checks imported/starred addons against the full catalogue before checking online.
    • if it fails to find addon in catalogue, it will fall back to checking online like before.
    • the user-catalogue was originally for imported addons without a catalogue (github, gitlab) but is now also for 'starred' addons. Refreshing it now that we have a Github catalogue is much faster.
  • menu labels for the installed addons table columns have been tweaked (see View -> Columns)
    • "installed" is now "installed version"
    • "available" is now "available version"
    • "version" is now "installed+available version"
    • "WoW" is now "game version (WoW)"
  • the "fat" column profile now uses the "installed" and "available" columns rather than the combined "version" column.
  • the "fat" column profile includes the new "starred" and "size" columns.
    • see: View -> Columns -> fat
  • jlink compress=2 changed to jlink compress=1 during the building of the linux AppImage.
    • 2 means "zip", which interferes with the final AppImage compression.
    • this shaves off ~7MB from the final AppImage.
  • replaced the compressed, static, "emergency" catalogue with a simple JSON string.
    1. it wasn't working at compile time like I thought.
    2. regular strings are more compressible ultimately when building an AppImage.
  • bumped dependencies.
    • removed apache.commons.compressors as no longer required.
  • some dependencies used for development are no longer bundled during release.
  • strongbox release data will only be downloaded once the app has finished loading.
  • strongbox release data will only be downloaded once per-session.
    • it would previously re-attempt to download the release data on failure endlessly.


  • search tab filter buttons are now a uniform height.
  • key column in the addon detail "raw data" widget is now wide enough for the text "supported game tracks".
  • updated column in the installed addon tab is now wide enough for the text "12 months ago".
  • possible cache stampede fetching strongbox release info. A lock is now acquired to ensure checks happen sequentially.
    • it was possible for the GUI to fire off many requests to Github simultaneously, bypassing cache and overwriting each other.


  • Tukui support. Tukui addons are:
    • no longer checked for updates.
    • excluded from being imported.
    • excluded from the user-catalogue.
    • no longer scraped from the API into a catalogue.
    • no longer present in the "full" or "short" catalogues.
    • excluded from search results.
    • removed from the 'emergency' (built-in, hardcoded) catalogue (used when remote catalogues are unavailable).
    • removed from lists of available addon hosts to switch an addon between.


16 May 13:05
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  • issue #402, fixed a freezing bug in the search results, introduced in 5.1.0 (2022-03-02).
    • if the 'full' catalogue were selected, searching and selecting a result would freeze the GUI.
      • it may possibly have disabled mouse events as well, depending on your window manager.
    • No definite cause found, however the bug was quacking suspiciously like a deadlock/livelock.
    • Thanks to @sergen213 for their help and feedback.


07 May 13:03
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  • bad or missing 'content-length' HTTP header fields are now handled without errors.
  • the "All" patch level returned by Tukui is now supported when checking the updated details of an addon.


19 Mar 05:45
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  • filtering search results by tag can now be switched between inclusive ('any of', default) and exclusive ('all of').
  • embedded font for glyphs used in the uber and star buttons for systems running with minimal fonts.
  • an app launcher to desktop environments that support them.


  • search results filtered by tag are no longer sampled when no search input is available.
    • this means you can now browse addons by tags alone if there are more addons that can fit on a single page of results.
  • glyphs used for the uber and star buttons switched to their close equivalents in the new embedded font
    • they're a little chunkier now but also look a little better in my estimation.
  • moved some files used for building the AppImage from the root into a directory called AppImage.


  • page >1 of search results that were then filtered further may have displayed the 'mascot' screen (ᕙ[°▿°]ᕗ)
    • this was because the pagination wasn't being reset and there was no 'page N' for the given set of filters.
    • the 'mascot' screen is still (deliberately) displayed in rare cases.
  • characters in multi-line messages in the notice logger no longer get their descenders ('y', 'g', 'p', etc) truncated.
  • ignored addons in the addon detail pane now display mutual dependencies (if any).
  • 'WoW' column text was black with a dark background in dark mode, making the value illegible.


10 Nov 00:58
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  • support for six digit interface versions.
    • Dragonflight is 100000
  • 'Dragonflight' tooltip for 10.0 addons.


  • the slugify function used on a toc's 'title' value switched to the same one used when building catalogues.
    • the 'title' value used to be more important as it was primarily used to match an addon within a catalogue.
      • it's more of a fallback these days if the addon's source and source-id aren't found in the catalogue.
  • reviewed a lot of code, lots of very minor shuffling and tweaks that won't affect the user at all.
    • unless of course it breaks something.
    • I was taking advantage of the major version bump to do some unnecessary and hard to justify changes.
      • plenty more could still be done but I'll tackle them individually.


  • fixed an issue with WotLK toc data having no priority in non-WotLK game tracks.
    • for example, if an addon directory is using the 'Classic TBC' game track and an addon had 'Classic WotLK' toc data but no TBC toc data, the WotLK toc data would be ignored when it should be preferred over retail toc data.


  • removed support for building catalogues.
    • this logic now lives in ogri-la/strongbox-catalogue-builder.
  • removed the command line actions:
    • 'scrape-catalogue'
    • 'write-catalogue'
    • 'scrape-github-catalogue'
    • 'scrape-wowinterface-catalogue'
    • 'scrape-tukui-catalogue'
  • removed support for reading version 1 catalogues built using wowman
    • last release of wowman was 2020-06-01
  • removed the 'tag' logic used to normalise and map categories between addons and addon hosts.
    • it was used exclusively for catalogue building and this logic now lives in ogri-la/strongbox-catalogue-builder.
  • removed dependencies org.clojure/data.csv and enlive.
  • removed support for finding wowman-era config files.


11 Sep 01:24
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  • support for Tukui's WotLK addons
    • because of how Tukui partition their addons they need some special handling.


  • inconsistent 'source' column widths and resizing behaviour in the search addons tab.


  • bug with selecting the 'WotLK Classic' game track in strict mode that would empty the list of installed addons.
  • minor bug with an error message repeated N times when installing an addon and the selected game track isn't supported
    • affected non-strict mode only and was simply the same error message but for each game track it iterated through, i.e. 'no releases found for classic', 'no releases found for classic-tbc', etc.


21 Aug 01:05
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  • support for WotLK Classic.
    • you can now select the game track from the drop down, strictly enforce it or not, etc.


  • the WoW column tooltip occasionally received a map of data instead of the addon's supported WoW version during rendering.