Status: Work In Progress
The Optino Governance (OptinoGov) smart contract is the Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (DAO) that operates the Optino Vending Machine.
Optino Governance token (OGToken) holders lock their OGTokens into the OptinoGov smart contract to submit and vote on proposals. If successful, the proposal will be executed, e.g., the minting of new OGTokens, the burning of staked tokens, and setting of fee rates.
When OGTOkens are locked into the OptinoGov smart contract, the equivalent number of Optino Governance Dividend token (OGDToken) are minted. These tokens will accrue fees generated by the Optino Vending Machine.
Following are the main smart contracts:
- contracts/OptinoGov.sol - flattened
- contracts/OGToken.sol - flattened
- contracts/OGDToken.sol - flattened
See also:
To test out these smart contracts in Remix, copy the contents of the files above into the same file names within Remix. Comment out the local import ".\{file.sol}"
and uncomment the GitHub import "{file}.sol";
Check out this repository into your projects subfolder:
git clone
cd Governance
If not already installed, you will need NPM. NVM may take away some of your NPM versioning pain.
You will need to install the Hardhat testing framework:
npm install --save-dev hardhat @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers chai ethers @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle ethereum-waffle
npm install --save bignumber.js
npm install --save decimal.js
Install Truffle Flattener using the command:
npm install -g truffle-flattener
The flattened files can be found in the ./flattened/ subdirectory.
You will need the following modules installed:
# npm install --save eth-sig-util
npm install --save bignumber.js
npx hardhat compile
You may need to chmod 700
before being able to execute it.
The latest output generated from the script test/TestOptinoGov.js can be found in results/TestOptinoGov.txt.
You may need to chmod 700
before being able to execute it.
The latest output generated from the script test/TestOGDToken.js can be found in results/TestOGDToken.txt.
You may need to chmod 700
before being able to execute it.
The latest output generated from the script test/TestStakingFactory.js can be found in results/TestStakingFactory.txt.
(c) The Optino Project 2020. GPLv2