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LD Score Estimation Tutorial
This tutorial describes how to use ldsc
to estimate LD Scores from plink
format .bed/.bim/.fam
If you are interested in estimating genetic correlation or the LD Score regression intercept from European-ancestry GWAS data, you can download suitable pre-computed LD Scores from this URL; there is no need to compute your own LD Scores.
The tutorial is divided into two components. The first component describes how to estimate non-partitioned LD Scores. The second component describes how to estimate partitioned LD Scores and how to use the full baseline model from Finucane, Bulik-Sullivan et al., 2015. The second component is somewhat more complicated.
You can estimate HapMap3 LD Scores for chromosome 22 using genotype data from the 1000 Genomes Europeans by entering the following commands:
wget https://data.broadinstitute.org/alkesgroup/LDSCORE/1kg_eur.tar.bz2
tar -jxvf 1kg_eur.tar.bz2
python ldsc.py\
--bfile 22
--ld-wind-cm 1\
--out 22
This section of the tutorial requires downloading about 2MB of data.
In order to estimate LD Scores, you need genotype data in the binary plink
format. We recommend using 1000 Genomes data from the appropriate continent, which can be downloaded in vcf
format from the 1000 Genomes FTP site and converted to plink
format using the plink --vcf
We recommend estimating LD Scores using a 1 centiMorgan (cM) window. Most .bim
files have the cM column zeroed out, because plink
doesn't actually use cM coordinates for anything. You can use the plink --cm-map
flag along with your favorite genetic map (e.g., here) to fill in the cM column of your .bim
For the purpose of this tutorial, you can download a .bed/.bim/.fam
fileset with the cM column filled in here. This fileset contains genotypes for all HapMap3 SNPs on chromosome 22 for 378 1000 Genomes Europeans. You can uncompress this fileset with the command
tar -jxvf 1kg_eur.tar.bz2
This will produce a directory called 1kg_eur
with four files
The first three files are the .bed/.bim/.fam
fileset; the third file contains derived allele frequencies (DAFs) for all SNPs in the .bim
file, for use with the ldsc --cts-bin
flag later in the tutorial.
You can estimate LD Scores with the command
python ldsc.py\
--ld-wind-cm 1\
--out 22
This should take around 10 seconds to run. The --bfile
flag points to the plink
format fileset; the syntax is exactly the same as plink
. The --l2
flag tells ldsc
to compute LD Scores. The --ld-wind-cm
flag tells lsdc
to use a 1 cM window to estimate LD Scores. The other options are --ld-wind-kb
, which defines the window size in kilobases, and --ld-wind-snp
, which defines the window size in terms of a number of SNPs. We recommend using --ld-wind-cm
, because this allows the window size to vary with the range of LD. It is sensible to use a larger window (as measured in kb) in regions like the MHC where LD spans over tens of megabases than in regions with high recombination rate, where LD doesn't extend beyond ~100kb.
This command will produce four files:
I will describe these files one at a time. First, let's have a look at the log file.
The first section is simply the masthead and a list of command-line options:
* LD Score Regression (LDSC)
* Version 1.0.0
* (C) 2014-2015 Brendan Bulik-Sullivan and Hilary Finucane
* Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard / MIT Department of Mathematics
* GNU General Public License v3
--ld-wind-cm 1.0
--out 22
--bfile 22
The next section contains log messages describing the process of reading the .bed/.bim/.fam
fileset. ldsc
will remove monomorphic SNPs by default. You can change the MAF lower bound with the '--maf` flag.
Beginning analysis at Fri Jan 30 10:58:44 2015
Read list of 19156 SNPs from 22.bim
Read list of 379 individuals from 22.fam
Reading genotypes from 22.bed
After filtering, 19156 SNPs remain
Estimating LD Score.
Writing LD Scores for 19156 SNPs to 22.l2.ldscore.gz
The last section shows some basic metadata about the LD Scores. This section is useful for basic quality checks. For example, LD Score should generally be positively correlated with MAF. In this example, the correlation between MAF and L2 is 0.275, which seems sensible. Some LD Scores may be < 1, because ldsc
estimates LD Score using an unbiased estimator of r2, but generally only a few LD Scores should be < 1. In this example, the mean LD Score is lower than usual, because we only took sum r2 over SNPs in HapMap3 to save time.
Summary of LD Scores in 22.l2.ldscore.gz
mean 0.232 18.535
std 0.145 16.104
min 0.001 0.066
25% 0.104 7.839
50% 0.224 13.484
75% 0.355 22.972
max 0.500 109.716
MAF/LD Score Correlation Matrix
MAF 1.000 0.275
L2 0.275 1.000
Analysis finished at Fri Jan 30 10:58:46 2015
Total time elapsed: 2.72s
Let's have a look at these files:
cat 22.l2.M 22.l2.M_5_50
These files tally the number of SNPs in the .bed/.bim/.fam
fileset. The .M
file contains the total number of SNPs; the .l2.M_5_50
file contains the number of SNPs with minor allele frequency above 5%. By default, ldsc
uses the .l2.M_5_50
file for estimating heritability, because this avoids extrapolating that h2 per SNP among common variants is the same as for rare variants (see the Flavors of Heritability and Genetic Correlation subsection of the supplementary note of Bulik-Sullivan, Finucane, et al., 2015 for a more detailed explanation of this point). You can tell ldsc
to use the .l2.M
file with the --not-M-5-50
flag, but this will generally yield upwardly-biased h2 estimates.
compresses .l2.ldscore
files by default using gzip
. You can view the contents of this file by typing
gunzip -c 22.l2.ldscore.gz | head
22 rs9617528 16061016 1.271
22 rs4911642 16504399 1.805
22 rs140378 16877135 3.849
22 rs131560 16877230 3.769
22 rs7287144 16886873 7.226
22 rs5748616 16888900 7.379
22 rs5748662 16892858 7.195
22 rs5994034 16894090 2.898
22 rs4010554 16894264 6.975
The first three columns are CHR = chromosome, SNP = rs number, BP = base pair. ldsc
uses rs numbers for merging LD Score files with summary statistics, so don't worry if the BP column refers to an old genome build. The BP column is only used for making sure that SNPs are sorted. If you use ldsc
to estimate LD Scores, the SNPs will always be sorted. The last column (L2) is LD Scores.
The LD Scores to use as the argument for the --w-ld
and --w-ld-chr
flags should be computed as sum r2 over SNPs in the regression, i.e., the SNPs for which you have Z-scores. If you have a list of regression SNPs in a file called regression.snplist
, formatted as one rs number per line, no header, then you can compute the appropriate --w-ld
LD Scores with the --extract regression.snplist
flag (this is the same syntax for restricting to a subset of SNPs as in plink
The --w-ld
LD Scores are just used for weighting the regression and generally do not have a huge impact on the results. If you are using LD Score regression with a large number of traits have Z-scores for slightly different sets of SNPs for each trait, then we recommend using the same --w-ld
LD Scores for each trait in order to save time.
To compute annotation-specific LD scores, create a .annot
file. This file consists of CHR, BP, SNP, and CM columns, followed by one column per category, with a 1 if the SNP is in the category and 0 otherwise. The file can have many categories or just a single category. It must have the same SNPs in the same order as the .bim
file used.
For example, to compute CNS-specific LD scores for chromosome 22, Download 1000G.mac5eur.22.*
, hm.22.snp
, and CNS.22.annot.gz
from this directory.
Then run
python ldsc.py\
--bfile 1000G.mac5eur.22\
--ld-wind-cm 1\
--annot CNS.22.annot.gz\
--out CNS.22\
--print-snps hm.22.snp
To analyze a new annotation, you can add it to the full baseline model, which is used in the Partitioning Heritability tutorial. First, you must compute LD scores for your new annotation, and they must be for the same set of SNPs that is in the baseline model.
Start by downloading 1000G.mac5eur.*
, hm.*.snp
, and CNS.*.annot.gz
from this directory.
Next, modify CNS.*.annot.gz
to reflect your annotation, instead of the CNS annotation. Do this by changing only the last column of the file, putting a 1 if the SNP is in the annotation and a 0 otherwise. Save these files as new_annot.*.annot.gz
Next, compute the LD scores for chromosome 22 by entering:
python ldsc.py\
--bfile 1000G.mac5eur.22\
--ld-wind-cm 1\
--annot new_annot.22.annot.gz\
--out new_annot.22\
--print-snps hm.22.snp
This should only take a few minutes.
Repeat for the other chromosomes. Make sure you save your output files to the same directory, with the same file prefix, as your annot files, so that you have ${prefix}.${chr}.annot.gz
, ${prefix}.${chr}.l2.ldscore
, and ${prefix}.${chr}.l2.M_5_50
Now you are ready to partition heritability using your new annotation. Go through the Partitioned Heritability tutorial, and in the last step, Cell-type-group analysis, replace the --ref-ld-chr CNS.,baseline.
line with --ref-ld-chr new_annot.,baseline.