contains a list of projects which have been proposed to improve Pharo. These projects can also be considered for the upcoming Google Summer of Code 2017. Visit:
The list of topics can be viewed in markdown format (, no need to update this file manually, it will be regenerated)
Google Summer of Code is a global program focused on introducing students to open source software development. Students work on a 3 month programming project with an open source organization during their break from university.
If you are looking for list of topics for GSoC 2017 please see or
Please propose your own project by following the following template. You can edit the list on github here: and send a pull request.
PharoTopic new
title: 'The name of your project';
contact: 'email address';
supervisors: 'Supervisors names';
keywords: 'keywords separated by spaces';
context: 'a description of the context of the project';
goal: 'description of the goal';
level: 'Beginner or Intermediate or Advanced';