Releases: oehf/ipf
What's Changed
- Fix type in translation from HL7v3 to HL7v2 of deceasedIndicator
- Add support for a non-standard urn:elga-bes:AssociationType:NonVersioningUpdate AssociationType
- Add support for validating and rendering CXi in XDS according to CP-ITI-1292
- Normalize text of ParticipantObjectQuery in DICOM audit parser
- MHD 4.2.1 update, including new ITI-105 component
- IHE BALP audit support
- Control whether XDS marker classifications are created inside or outside SubmissionSets and Folders
- Fix missing objectType attribute for XML element classification (for SubmissionSet and Folder)
- Add basic mimetype validation to XDS DocumentEntry.mimetype attribute
- Add Schematron validation for CH:PPQ-1 requests
- Fix error handling in CH:PPQ-2
- Add Spring Boot starter for CH:PPQ
- Support for the IHE profile "Secure Retrieve" and the Swiss EPR integration profile CH:ADR
- Support for the Swiss EPR integration profile CH:PPQm
- Fixed Schematron validation of ITI-45 requests
- Support JSON representation of the HPD DSMLv2 data model
- Added a couple of XDS query models for Subscriptions
- Added possibility to add HTTP headers in FHIR requests
This might be the last 4.x minor release of IPF that support Java 11, camel 3.x and spring-boot 2.7. The next IPF 5 release will switch to Java 17, Camel 4.x and Spring-boot 3.
Fixed Issues:
Full Changelog: ipf-4.7.0...ipf-4.8.0
What's Changed
- Properly populate PurposeOfUse attribute in audit records of some HL7v3-based transactions
- Avoid NPE when transforming XDS classifications without schemas
- Better validation for unique IDs of XDS Document Entries, Submission Sets, and Folders
- Fixed the 'user is requestor' flag in ATNA records
- Dependency Updates (Important: Camel 3.20->3.21, CXF 3.5->3.6, Hapi 6.4->6.6)
- PDQm/PIXm translation improvements
Fixed issues:
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
Fixed issues:
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- Various dependency updates.
- Add Camel component for ITI-80 "Cross-Gateway Document Provide"
- Add custom parameter to MHD ITI-67 to allow to search for
- Fix incorrect URLs in PDQm FHIR patient model inside composite extensions
- Support user-defined classification schemes in XDS
Fixed issues:
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- Various dependency updates.
- FhirProducer instantiates FhirContext instances on the fly
- Allow to share FHIR producer instances between FHIR producers
- Add AuditMessageQueue implementation based on Spring RestTemplate
- XDS: Throw soap fault instead of an empty response when invalid payload was provided by backend processors
- Use explicit namespace aliases for XDS XML instead of self generated ns1 ... nsX
- CP-ITI-1260-03: Optional quotes around ITI-18 datetime parameters
Fixed issues:
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- Change MLLP components to using Netty instead of Apache Mina
- Use MSH-18 field of HL7 messages to dynamically determine the character set for encoding and decoding
Fixed issues:
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What's Changed
- Fix FhirProducer configuration problems
Fixed issues:
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What's Changed
- Avoid NullPointerException in FHIR producers when auditing is disabled
Fixed issues:
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What's Changed
- Various dependency updates
- Properly render Extra Metadata in XdsRenderingUtils
- Asynchronous Web Service Option for ITI-41
- Support PHARM-5 transaction
- Method getCustomInterceptors() in AbstractWsEndpoint is deprecated in favor of getCustomCxfInterceptors()
- Support for pagination and sorting in HPD queries
- Fix PIXv3Query transformers
- Provide basic sorting for FHIR endpoints
- Fix JAXB classes for XDS and XDS-I
- Provide JDK 17 compatibility
- Offer JDK HttpClient/Methanol as option for HAPI FHIR clients
- Support extended operations in Audit Trail of FHIR transactions
- Fix logic in Iti67ResourceProvider
- Allow to set HttpClientPolicy on outgoing SOAP requests
- Lazy instantiation of FhirTransactionValidator
- Clear CXF client request context after use to allow it to be GCed (CXF-7710)
- Fix JDOM2 CVE vulnerability
Fixed issues:
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- Various dependency updates. This also fixes a potentially critical problem with timed-out MLLP requests. (See for details.)
- MDHT Dependencies cannot be retrieved because does not exist anymore. Thanks to Garrett Montague for reporting.
- RetrieveImagingDocumentSetRequestType should have namespace urn:ihe:rad:xdsi-b:2009 instead of urn:ihe:iti:xds-b:2007. Thanks to Anita Kurz for reporting.
- Fix mapping in HL7v3->v2 translation for "UN" gender
- ParticipantObjectIDTypeCode ignored in AuditRecordTranslator. Thanks to Mikolaj Nowak for reporting.
- Add ITI-81 search parameter. Thanks to Mikolaj Nowak for reporting.
- XDS ExtraMetadata slots might get duplicated if SubmitObjectsRequest's are unmarshalled and marshalled on the same instance bug
Full Changelog: