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Readded chat emotes module
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Fixed ChocolateFactory eggs textures
Fixed DeployableTimer SOS and Warning flares textures
  • Loading branch information
odtheking committed Oct 31, 2024
1 parent 447ca51 commit 2b45f35
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Showing 5 changed files with 36 additions and 35 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ object ChocolateFactory : Module(

private data object BunnyEggTextures {
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ object DungeonWaypointConfig {
try {
} catch (_: Exception) {
println("Error initializing module config")
println("Error creating dungeon waypoints config file.")

Expand Down
17 changes: 8 additions & 9 deletions src/main/kotlin/me/odinmain/config/PBConfig.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package me.odinmain.config

import kotlinx.coroutines.DelicateCoroutinesApi
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import me.odinmain.OdinMain.logger
Expand All @@ -17,32 +17,31 @@ object PBConfig {
private val configFile = File(mc.mcDataDir, "config/odin/personal-bests.json").apply {
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
println("Error initializing personal bests config")
} catch (_: Exception) {
println("Error creating personal bests config file.")

fun loadConfig() {
try {
with(configFile.bufferedReader().use { it.readText() }) {
if (this == "") return
if (isEmpty()) return

pbs = gson.fromJson(
object : TypeToken<MutableMap<String, MutableList<Double>>>() {}.type
object : TypeToken<MutableMap<String, MutableList<Double>>>() {}.type
println("Successfully loaded pb config $pbs")
} catch (e: Exception) {
} catch (e: Exception) {
println("Odin: Error parsing pbs.")
logger.error("Error parsing pbs.", e)

fun saveConfig() {
scope.launch {
scope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
try {
configFile.bufferedWriter().use {
Expand Down
44 changes: 23 additions & 21 deletions src/main/kotlin/me/odinmain/features/impl/skyblock/ChatCommands.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,32 +20,33 @@ object ChatCommands : Module(
category = Category.SKYBLOCK,
description = "Type !help in the corresponding channel for cmd list. Use /blacklist.",
) {
private var party by BooleanSetting(name = "Party commands", default = true, description = "Toggles chat commands in party chat.")
private var guild by BooleanSetting(name = "Guild commands", default = true, description = "Toggles chat commands in guild chat.")
private var private by BooleanSetting(name = "Private commands", default = true, description = "Toggles chat commands in private chat.")
private val chatEmotes by BooleanSetting(name = "Chat Emotes", default = true, description = "Replaces chat emotes with their corresponding emojis.")
private val party by BooleanSetting(name = "Party commands", default = true, description = "Toggles chat commands in party chat.")
private val guild by BooleanSetting(name = "Guild commands", default = true, description = "Toggles chat commands in guild chat.")
private val private by BooleanSetting(name = "Private commands", default = true, description = "Toggles chat commands in private chat.")
private val whitelistOnly by DualSetting("Whitelist Only", left = "blacklist", right = "Whitelist", default = false, description = "Whether the list should act like a whitelist or a blacklist.")
private var showSettings by DropdownSetting(name = "Show Settings", default = false)

private var warp by BooleanSetting(name = "Warp", default = true, description = "Executes the /party warp commnad.").withDependency { showSettings }
private var warptransfer by BooleanSetting(name = "Warp & pt (warptransfer)", default = true, description = "Executes the /party warp and /party transfer commands.").withDependency { showSettings }
private var coords by BooleanSetting(name = "Coords (coords)", default = true, description = "Sends your current coordinates.").withDependency { showSettings }
private var allinvite by BooleanSetting(name = "Allinvite", default = true, description = "Executes the /party settings allinvite command.").withDependency { showSettings }
private var odin by BooleanSetting(name = "Odin", default = true, description = "Sends the odin discord link.").withDependency { showSettings }
private var boop by BooleanSetting(name = "Boop", default = true, description = "Executes the /boop command.").withDependency { showSettings }
private var cf by BooleanSetting(name = "Coinflip (cf)", default = true, description = "Sends the result of a coinflip..").withDependency { showSettings }
private var eightball by BooleanSetting(name = "Eightball", default = true, description = "Sends a random 8ball response.").withDependency { showSettings }
private var dice by BooleanSetting(name = "Dice", default = true, description = "Rolls a dice.").withDependency { showSettings }
private var pt by BooleanSetting(name = "Party transfer (pt)", default = false, description = "Executes the /party transfer command.").withDependency { showSettings }
private var ping by BooleanSetting(name = "Ping", default = true, description = "Sends your current ping.").withDependency { showSettings }
private var tps by BooleanSetting(name = "TPS", default = true, description = "Sends the server's current TPS.").withDependency { showSettings }
private var fps by BooleanSetting(name = "FPS", default = true, description = "Sends your current FPS.").withDependency { showSettings }
private var dt by BooleanSetting(name = "DT", default = true, description = "Sets a reminder for the end of the run.").withDependency { showSettings }
private val showSettings by DropdownSetting(name = "Show Settings", default = false)

private val warp by BooleanSetting(name = "Warp", default = true, description = "Executes the /party warp commnad.").withDependency { showSettings }
private val warptransfer by BooleanSetting(name = "Warp & pt (warptransfer)", default = true, description = "Executes the /party warp and /party transfer commands.").withDependency { showSettings }
private val coords by BooleanSetting(name = "Coords (coords)", default = true, description = "Sends your current coordinates.").withDependency { showSettings }
private val allinvite by BooleanSetting(name = "Allinvite", default = true, description = "Executes the /party settings allinvite command.").withDependency { showSettings }
private val odin by BooleanSetting(name = "Odin", default = true, description = "Sends the odin discord link.").withDependency { showSettings }
private val boop by BooleanSetting(name = "Boop", default = true, description = "Executes the /boop command.").withDependency { showSettings }
private val cf by BooleanSetting(name = "Coinflip (cf)", default = true, description = "Sends the result of a coinflip..").withDependency { showSettings }
private val eightball by BooleanSetting(name = "Eightball", default = true, description = "Sends a random 8ball response.").withDependency { showSettings }
private val dice by BooleanSetting(name = "Dice", default = true, description = "Rolls a dice.").withDependency { showSettings }
private val pt by BooleanSetting(name = "Party transfer (pt)", default = false, description = "Executes the /party transfer command.").withDependency { showSettings }
private val ping by BooleanSetting(name = "Ping", default = true, description = "Sends your current ping.").withDependency { showSettings }
private val tps by BooleanSetting(name = "TPS", default = true, description = "Sends the server's current TPS.").withDependency { showSettings }
private val fps by BooleanSetting(name = "FPS", default = true, description = "Sends your current FPS.").withDependency { showSettings }
private val dt by BooleanSetting(name = "DT", default = true, description = "Sets a reminder for the end of the run.").withDependency { showSettings }
private val invite by BooleanSetting(name = "invite", default = true, description = "Invites the player to your party.").withDependency { showSettings }
private val racism by BooleanSetting(name = "Racism", default = true, description = "Sends a random racism percentage.").withDependency { showSettings }
private val queInstance by BooleanSetting(name = "Queue instance cmds", default = true, description = "Queue dungeons commands.").withDependency { showSettings }
private val time by BooleanSetting(name = "Time", default = false, description = "Sends the current time.").withDependency { showSettings }
private var demote by BooleanSetting(name = "Demote", default = false, description = "Executes the /party demote command.").withDependency { showSettings }
private var promote by BooleanSetting(name = "Promote", default = false, description = "Executes the /party promote command.").withDependency { showSettings }
private val demote by BooleanSetting(name = "Demote", default = false, description = "Executes the /party demote command.").withDependency { showSettings }
private val promote by BooleanSetting(name = "Promote", default = false, description = "Executes the /party promote command.").withDependency { showSettings }

private var dtPlayer: String? = null
private val dtReason = mutableListOf<Pair<String, String>>()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,6 +153,7 @@ object ChatCommands : Module(

fun onMessageSent(event: MessageSentEvent) {
if (!chatEmotes) return
if (event.message.startsWith("/") && !listOf("/pc", "/ac", "/gc", "/msg", "/w", "/r").any { event.message.startsWith(it) }) return

replaced = false
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ object DeployableTimer : Module(

private data object FlareTextures {

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