This script help you to quickly setup a kubernetes cluster on Debian12 or Ubuntu22.
- PHASE1: Install Kubernetes and prerequisites
- PHASE2: Initialize a cluster
- PHASE3: Join other node
Setup the operating system with prerequisites to run kubernetes.
The script follow kubernetes prerequisites :
The script let you the choose the kubernetes version or default to the latest version.
The CRI (Container Runtime Interface) is Containerd.
You can initialize a cluster with a CNI (Container Network Interface). You can do that with the option '--init' or '--prod'.
Supported CNI:
- calico (default)
- antrea
In progess of supporting CNI:
- cilium (Soon...) I've issue with pod newtorking but you can try yourself with '--force'
For production cluster, a minimum of 3 controllers is advised. You need to prepare the API_ENDPOINT of your production cluster. You have in 3 way:
- With a FQDN. This fqdn name must be in your DNS Server
- With a VIRTUAL_IP. If you have a loadbalancer for your controle plane.
- With a FQDN and with a FQDN.
If you want to add to your cluster you need to:
- Install Kubernetes and prerequisites. So Run the script without args '--init' and '--prod'
- Launch the 'kubeadm join' command you are going to see at the end of the initalization of the cluster (PHASE2)
The script install those packages:
- kubernetes (repo: )
- containerd (repo: of the distrib)
- heml (repo: of the distrib)
- openvswitch-switch (repo: of the distrib) (when cni is antrea)
As root
root@control-01:~# bash
Or as an un-privileged user
user@control-01:~$ sudo bash
The script ask you witch version of kubertenetes packages you want. By defaut it install the lastet version available.
1) Kubernetes-1.24
2) Kubernetes-1.25
3) Kubernetes-1.26
4) Kubernetes-1.27
5) Kubernetes-1.28 (latest)
Install (5):
At the end of PHASE1 (Install Kubernetes and prerequisites), you will see that
INFO: Installed Kubertenes packages
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name Version Architecture Description
hi kubeadm 1.28.2-00 amd64 Kubernetes Cluster Bootstrapping Tool
hi kubectl 1.28.2-00 amd64 Kubernetes Command Line Tool
hi kubelet 1.28.2-00 amd64 Kubernetes Node Agent
INFO: You are ready to go with : kubeadm init
WARNING: To start using your cluster as <root> You to need to re-connect or run: export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
To start using your cluster, please scroll-up (Ctrl+Shit Arrow-up) to see what to do.
Notice: For root user we have already added the export in /root/.profile
To join other nodes in the cluster you must install the same version of kubernetes.
To do that you can run this on them :
1. bash --cni calico 1.28
2. kubeadm --join <args>
Please scroll-up (Ctrl+Shit Arrow-up) to see args to use.
Have good time with Kubernetes.
Here you can see in that sample, that I 've chosen to install kubernetes with calico (default CNI).
root@control-01:~# scp root@worker-01:
root@control-01:~# ssh root@worker-01
root@worker-01:~# bash --cni calico 1.28
root@worker-01:~# kubeadm join --token sc1zw7.0exkak1fborbrbjt \
--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:a870fa93c0c4ded0b892879d397c0374484defc41305e5122308bd01dea174a7