This syntax extension leverages ReasonML's object literal notation to simplify
initialization of labeled multi-parameter functions. In particular it is useful
for large nested configuration DSLs where the regular labeled function application
might be cumbersome to use because of the dangling ()
required for optional
argument erasure.
To install ppx_obj_make
in an esy project, add the following
dependency to your package.json
"dependencies": {
"ppx_obj_make": "github:rizo/ppx_obj_make#master"
In your dune project add the following preprocess
configuraton to your dune
(preprocess (pps ppx_obj_make))
Any module containing a function named make
with labeled arguments can be used
with this extension.
open Printf;
module Person = {
let make = (~name, ~age, ()) =>
printf("Hi %s! You are %d years old.\n", name, age);
/* Use object literal notation to call `Person.make`. */
Person { "name": "Dylan", "age": 32 };
Consider this example in ReasonML for a Kubernetes deployment (that uses the rekube library). The translation is only applied to JSON-literals.
let app = (~namespace, ~version) =>
Deployment {
"api_version": "extensions/v1beta1",
"kind": "Deployment",
"metadata": Meta { name, namespace },
"spec": Deployment_spec {
"replicas": 1,
"template": Pod_template_spec {
"metadata": Meta {
"name": name,
"labels": [("app", name)],
"spec": Pod_spec {
"containers": [
"Container" {
"image": "my-company/my-app:" ++ version,
"command": ["app"],
"args": [
"ports": [Port { "name": "metrics", "container_port": 9090 }],
"resources": Resources {
"limits": [cpu("100m"), memory("500Mi")],
"requests": [cpu("500m"), memory("1Gi")]
This is translated by the preprocessor into:
let app = (~namespace, ~version) =>
~metadata=Meta.make(~name, ~namespace, ()),
replicas: 1,
template: Pod_template_spec.make(
~labels=[("app", name)],
~containers: [
~image="my-company/my-app:" ++ version,
~ports-[Port.make(~name="metrics", ~container_port=9090, ())],
limits: [cpu("100m"), memory("500Mi")],
requests: [cpu("500m"), memory("1Gi")],